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JSON (JavaScript Object Nugget) to PHP array

I am shocked, shocked that Drupal is not already fully buzzword compliant. I expected lots of material on making, sending, getting, reading, and mangling JSON. (I made up the part about the N standing for Nugget by the way. I'm pretty sure it's JavaScript Object something though.)

Instead, Agaric was forced to fall back on the PHP manual: only in PHP 5.2 and above the function json_decode will turn a JSON string into a PHP object (or, optionally, an array).

Which is cool unfortunately the particular JSON I'm getting from Google is much uglier than the CSV version. I just wanted one more piece of data -- the country coded -- but it's wrapped in too much information that you have to know ahead of time to get the simple information you want. (E.g., I don't want to have to know if it's a country to grab the code. If it's there, let me get it, if it's not, that's fine too.)

  $q = str_replace(' ', '+', implode(',',$place));
  $url = '' . $q . '&output=xml&key=' . variable_get('googlemap_api_key', '');
  $ch = curl_init($url);
  $c = curl_exec($ch);
  $c = json_decode($c);
drupal_set_message('<pre>' . print_r($c, TRUE) . '</pre>');

stdClass Object
[name] => Espana
[Status] => stdClass Object
[code] => 200
[request] => geocode

[Placemark] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => p1
[address] => Spain
[AddressDetails] => stdClass Object
[Country] => stdClass Object
[CountryNameCode] => ES

[Accuracy] => 1

[Point] => stdClass Object
[coordinates] => Array
[0] => -3.74922
[1] => 40.463667
[2] => 0





Let's see if XML is any prettier.


Searched words: 
drupal json to array drupal json read json to php object gmap google geocode


Here's if you go for a city

Here's if you go for a city instead of a country-- the same way of getting elements still works, and there only ever is a country code:

stdClass Object
[name] => Madrid
[Status] => stdClass Object
[code] => 200
[request] => geocode

[Placemark] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => p1
[address] => Madrid, Spain
[AddressDetails] => stdClass Object
[Country] => stdClass Object
[CountryNameCode] => ES
[AdministrativeArea] => stdClass Object
[AdministrativeAreaName] => Comunidad de Madrid
[SubAdministrativeArea] => stdClass Object
[SubAdministrativeAreaName] => Madrid
[Locality] => stdClass Object
[LocalityName] => Madrid




[Accuracy] => 4

[Point] => stdClass Object
[coordinates] => Array
[0] => -3.70327
[1] => 40.416706
[2] => 0





So this was the old CSV style:

/* csv style
  $loc = explode(',', $c);
  $lat = $location[2];
  $lon = $location[3];

With a little more complication from using JSON, we can get codes for countries also:

  $j = json_decode($c);
  $ccode = $j->Placemark[0]->AddressDetails->Country->CountryNameCode;
  $lat = $j->Placemark[0]->Point->coordinates[0];
  $lon = $j->Placemark[0]->Point->coordinates[1];

JSON = Javascript Object Notation

Notation, not nugget. See

Also, json_decode($decode_string, TRUE) will return an associative array, so you can do something like the following:

$response = json_decode($c);

if(isset($response['Placemark']) && isset($response['Placemark'][0])) {
$countryCode = $response['Placemark'][0]['AddressDetails']['Country']['CountryNameCode'];

Thanks a TON !!

It really worked for me. Much many thanks!!

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