User login

Needs Improvement

Workable solution needs improvement

Return path module (working edition)

Due to poor reading of the issue queue AND not looking for the HEAD release, I (accidentally?) coded the fix to this myself. But actually both head and the official release are broken in different ways, so here's Agaric's service to the community.

Presumably the official version at will be working soon (version 5.x-1.1 does NOT), but until then here's a working download.

Timelines in Drupal

this is what i'm workign on

benjamin melançon
There's a Drupal module for that (and it's sure to be better than poll module, which is getting voted out of core), but it's not up to date:

File-based caching with PHP

File-based caching can also be cool. Jay Pipes:

I'd like to see if there are places it could help Drupal. The current preferred solution for high-performance Drupal, though, is memory caching:

Fastest way to check if anything is in a MySQL table,50600,50853#msg-50853

Vail wrote:

> When it checks to see if the
> group exists, however, and the table is empty, it
> always returns an error, which disables the script
> that calls the function.

Why not doing a simple

select count(*) from groups


Import photographs from iPhoto to Drupal with comments

UPDATE: For the Agaric-approved method, see the iPhotoToGallery and Image Publisher module how to.

This AppleScript proved a dead end.

Did not work for Agaric:

I receive an error about:

White Screen of Death due to taxonomy parent-child infinite loop

The site stopped showing. Nothing.

What I should have done first:

tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log

0 stedile:~# apache2ctl restart

0 stedile:~# /etc/init.d/mysql restart

Stopping MySQL database server: mysqld.
Starting MySQL database server: mysqld . . . . ..
Checking for corrupt, not cleanly closed and upgrade needing tables..

0 stedile:~# xm console stedile
-bash: xm: command not found

Setting up a fresh Drupal installation from the Agaric repository.

For a new version of Drupal

From a computer with a local checkout of the subversion repository:

cd ~/workspace/repos/agaric/drupal-core/
tar -xzf drupal-5.5.tar.gz
rm drupal-5.5.tar.gz
svn add drupal-5.5
svn commit -m "latest and greatest Drupal"

Useful links for developing for, submitting patches to, and helping out with Drupal

Taken from Webchick's intro to Drupal contributions for GHOP

It's been slightly generalized in places (but not yet in others).

Links that were in the text, in order:

Putting several nodes or views on a page as tabs

<?php print theme_menu_local_tasks(menu_get_local_tasks()); ?>

“local tasks” are things like view, edit, track. they are usu. styled as tabs. menu_get_local_tasks() gets the menu structure in an array.

Menu Local Tasks - Tutorial?

mdixoncm - February 24, 2007 - 13:12

2 simple steps to understanding local tasks.

Business practices: collecting payment, tracking time

Veronica says:

don't go more than 30 days past implementation (without collecting)

Keep track of hours you work on pro bono projects
You can donate that


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