Needs Improvement
Workable solution needs improvement
Update: Forget it. Complication outweighs benefits.
Note: Before you start doing any of this, you would need to copy Agaric's git directory structure-- note that this is not a single git repository, but many git repositories. More on that elsewhere, this is about using the system properly set up.
What finally works:
Navigate to the pseudo-repository's sites directory:
cd /RCS/git/agaric-sites/
Ebony-II:agaric-sites ben$ 5 test
This requires theming the view. Views does not know about or provide just the raw body, so you have to theme the view, load the node, and grab the body field.
In your view-....tpl.php:
$fullnode = node_load($node->nid);
print check_markup($fullnode->body, $fullnode->format, FALSE);
No this won't work, I do not think filtering per-result row can be done through arguments:
if (!$field_user_picture) {
$view->filter[0]['value'] = TRUE;
return $args; // not that this will do anything!
Begin the journey in #drupal-support
how can one filter a view based on the value (given or empty) of a CCK field -- CCK image in this case -- ?
Escalating directly to #drupal-views:
Drupal and BlipTV: Using RSS and Xpath anything that works to get the Blip.TV Player
$myFile = "testFile.txt";
$fh = fopen($myFile, 'r');
$theData = fread($fh, filesize($myFile));
echo $theData;
$foo = system('wget ~',$output);
This is what I really want:
(Ran into similar problems adding images. Is it a matter of a more specific rule somewhere overriding it?)
ul#agariclist list-style-type: none;
not related i don't think but damned if i know anything anymore
#homepage .panel-col-first .view-data-field-action-shot-fid .item-list {
list-style: none;
#homepage .panel-col-first .view-banner .view-data-field-action-shot-fid .item-list li {
list-style: none;
So even as the help text says raw versions are dangerous, Pathauto version 2 badgers you into using [title-raw], [user-raw], etc. So just put that in right away, and it won't yell at you.
The other trick to make Pathauto happy on the first try is that a Blog path (and other node types) does not take [user] or [user-raw]. Instead, you should put in [author-name-raw].
I expect it will get more user-friendly (and export and import of patterns would be really nice) but it's one of the must-have modules no matter what.
Search causes validation errors: how to disable caching for certain pages?
Not Boost!
Using search pages causes a validation error only when logged in.
It might be triggered by my consolidating the web pages onto one domain, and restricting the cookies to one domain slightly before that. When I looked at the code, the form token simply wasn't being produced-- the form element was a "" instead of a random alphanumeric string.
sudo aptitude install munin-node
sudo aptitude install munin
sudo vi /etc/munin/munin.conf
a simple host tree
use_node_name yes
Skipping this for now -- and I think this assumes both munin and munin-node on one server:
As a security measure, we are going to change so the node bind itself to the loopback interface.
So go and edit /etc/munin/munin-node.conf and make sure the host value looks like this:
there-- the flavor of the month of Linux
what is linux?
benjamin melançon 10:11
i'm going to pretend i didn't hear that
sounds good
benjamin melançon
THE free software operating system
i still don't understand
benjamin melançon
Microsoft = Evil
Apple = Lesser Evil
Linux = Good
now you're speaking my language
it's good b/c it's free