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How to translate a Drupal site using .po (Portable Object) files

[By Thiago Bennicchio]

Hi friends,
please read the whole email before starting the work.

Now we have offline text files to translate the interface. I'm sending Judith the Portuguese file. Mathias, Leo, please tell me in which languages are you going to translate so I can send you the proper files (please reply to all so we know who's doing what).

As we talked before, we need to be very careful when dealing with this files (not to erase commas, quotes and #).

The basic structure of the files is the following:

: modules/nonon nonno ononon

Making links in your theme work with Drupal localization

The name of the Agaric Design Collective member who screwed this up will go unmentioned. (The person who in the first version of this note forgot to put the print statements before the l() with t() function was me, though.)


<div class="lbutton"><a href="/findaction"><span class="buttn2">Find an Action</span></a></div>

Views titles and text and i18n, a preliminary preface to a dirty hack

Internationalization module (i18n) now supports views in a way-- unfortunately I think it hard wires in the

sure how well that works with the preferred "show current language and no language" setting.

And there's still no goddamned "show in the user's preferred language if available, if not in the default language." That's what we need. There shouldn't even be a conceptual hack of "no language" – content is either in a language or it isn't. But all that's another story.

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