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Maintaining a Drupal project with Git: Vacating the master branch

If you've already been committing code to master, do this to start a new 7.x branch and kill off the code in the master branch so noone gets confused.

cd /path/to/repo
git checkout -b 7.x-1.x

git push origin 7.x-1.x

git checkout master
git rm -r *
echo "Real code is not kept on the master branch, to see the code: git checkout 7.x-1.x" > README.txt
git add README.txt
git commit -m "Add a README explaining that the master branch is empty."
git push origin master

Preprocess from a module: removing the content author from Drupal 7 search results

All, not just most, but all the content on a particular site was set to be posted without showing the by-line or submitted by text. Given this requirement, it makes no sense to have search results show the user that submitted the content, every time. This can be themed away in search-result.tpl.php or it can be removed with a pre-process function as shown below.

You can do this from a module or a theme, where 'example' is the system name of that module or theme:

DrupalCon Chicago Session Proposal

Read first:

Title of session: When There's Not a Module for That: Building a Drupal 7 Module
Track: Code
Experience: Intermediate

Unuplugged: a Drupal offline synchronization module (idea)

Initial vision:


The Drupal synchronization module

The Drupal Synch module

  • knows that when it last synched you are at node 253, user 43, comment 422, etc...

Logs, configuration settings, installed modules etc. could - should - be one way, from the server to your offline Drupal.

offline to server and back

Drupal 6 dumps the sequences table: implications?

Drupal 6 has the database handle sequences. This may make it harder for Unplugged to do its thing.

Not really though.

Drupal Test to Live

2006 July 10: Drupal: Enterprise Edition | Nick Lewis: The Blog

Nick Lewis on needs for moving data from test to live, with Bér, MerlinOfChaos, others weighing in.

Edit Term Love

(This arrived in the Agaric inbox this morning.)


I wanted to send a love letter to the Edit term module but found your contact information instead. Can you forward this to Edit term?

Dear Edit term,

You never let me down. True to your project page description, you make editing terms easy and effortless. I'm so happy with our relationship -- you don't even have any baggage by creating unecessary database tables. You are one of the most useful modules to grace my Drupal installations. Edit term, I love you!

Quicktags gives your textfields buttons to make HTML easy to add

Installed quicktags to add HTML code insertion buttons to form - adds buttons to your forms

Quicktags should not appear on plain text form fields


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