Debug variable printing functions shortcuts
dpr – Shortcut for dprint_r, a debug version of the PHP print_r function.
dvr – Similar to dpr, but uses var_dump instead of print_r.
dpm – Similar to dpr but print_r's a variable as a message using drupal_set_message.
dvm – Similar to dpm but uses var_dump instead of print_r.
From Nick of ThingAMajig.
You have to have devel module enabled to use these, and I'm going to have to look up the syntax, because I couldn't get it to work when I tried. I know I'll use them, though: I wrote my own version of these without knowing they existed. Good to know they're there, and have claimed a nice short namespace-- agaric_a and agaric_p were still a little long.
I also have snippets like
drupal_set_message('<pre>' . print_r($form, TRUE) . '</pre>');
in my clipboard for when no helper module is enabled.
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