User login


Error 28: The out of disk space MySQL error

user warning: Got error 28 from storage engine query

what partition is my mysql on

free disk space debian partitions

"Got error 28 from storage engine query" error

Keeping track of disk space

delete log files...

See what's about to be committed when using git, and remove something before committing

git diff of files that have been staged ie 'git add'ed
git diff --cached

$ git commit ...
$ git reset --soft HEAD^ (1)
$ edit (2)

And just commit again.

Inline Read More links for teasers when output as one of several fields in a View with a row style of field

See also:

displaying read more in teaser view list

I did this with a crazy use of calling ed_readmore functions in template.php for a views template preprocess function. Do not attempt by trial and error, i can get the code from openmedia's repository.

drupal 6 delete all nodes by anonymous user

VBO (Views Bulk Operations, a great module) does an admiral job. I could only get it to work for about 250 at a time; 500 at a time didn't time out but instead weirdly caused a validation error. Also of note: Filtering by user, the autocomplete has anonymous as Anonymous even if you've renamed as Visitor or such. And there is no "anonymous" role to filter by so if going by role, it has to be an "everything but everything else" filter.

Agaric Design core principles and motivation

Money is always good, but the the main motivation of the team [is] making the business successful, doing things we can be proud of, showing the world we do things better and by our rules.

– Dan Hakimzadeh

what new are we bringing to Drupal?

Redirect URLs in in Apache server .htaccess file

Within the mod_rewrite directive....

# Various rewrite rules.
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
  RewriteEngine on

...right below where Drupal's default .htaccess has the rewrite base option, we can add this:

  # Redirects from old site
  RewriteRule ^leadership.php$ /community/leadership [NC,R=301,L]

We can have as many rules like that as we want. It's not the fastest way to redirect but it's faster than making Drupal do it internally.

Theming update.php and install.php not possible- Drupal hardcodes them to use Minelli

Drupal hardcodes minelli to be the theme for the update.php and install.php pages. Stupid.

  • Minnelli is always used for the initial install and update operations. In
  • other cases, "settings.php" must have a "maintenance_theme" key set for the
  • $conf variable in order to change the maintenance theme.

    // Install and update pages are treated differently to prevent theming overrides.
    if (defined('MAINTENANCE_MODE') && (MAINTENANCE_MODE == 'install' || MAINTENANCE_MODE == 'update')) {
    $theme = 'minnelli';

Features re-export / download; meaningless warning message?

The following overridden view(s) are provided by other modules: highlight. To resolve this problem either revert each view or clone each view so that modified versions can be exported withy our feature.

Features appears to be unaware that it is the very feature i am exporting that is the module that provides the View highlight.

Exporting the feature again worked fine.

More info on the general process of re-exporting features:

If no new components are added:

drush fu features_example

Upgrading a Drupal 6 site to Drupal 7

These are notes for what will be an Appendix in the Definitive Guide to Drupal 7.

Before we do anything to try to upgrade a site, we back it up. We also never upgrade the live, production instance of a site, but a copy. (At least the first time.

[gotcha] If copying over the entire code of a site, make absolutely certain that we have changed the database connection settings in settings.php. Especially if we are (and we shouldn't be, but if we are) on the same server as our live site. [/gotcha]

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