User login


Replace local files or directories with repository version

git rm -rf directory-that-annoys-us-locally-but-is-ok-in-repository
git pull
git checkout directory-that-annoys-us-locally-but-is-ok-in-repository

Not pretty or proper but it works.

Clearing radio buttons (instead of having an additional "not applicable" option)

Getting rid of the "N/A" in a radio button list.

The trick is to do that without making the radio button required, but rather allow it to be made blank (which radio buttons don't do naturally).

I saw a rather slick (unselect) link for radio buttons in some code Bangpound was showing.

Git log not working with specified width

-w is not working on my git log, which is rather weird. Oh, it's shortlog only.

Funny can't find a way to wrap the changelog output.

The Making of Drupal 7: historical overview

2005 July 18 -

2008 February 4 - Dries creates Drupal 6 branch in repository, posts wishlist, opens up D7 development -

2008 February 12 - first patches? for Drupal 7 specifically, by catch and webchick, committed by dries

JQuery select elements without a given class or ID

Anywhere you can use .classnamehere as a Jquery selector, you can use:


Cron on Agaric's MayFirst servers

The cron jobs for each web site are created as the user associated with that web site: the user accesses it with the crontab command

For instance:

su exampleuser
crontab -l

To see what cron jobs that user has, which should contain the "drush -r /var/local/drupal/exampleuser/web cron", where exampleuser is the site project name (which may or may not be identical to the username, but is in any case owned by the user).

The admin (root) can see them all in /var/spool/cron/crontabs

grep -h \* /var/spool/cron/crontabs/*

Sudo save a file from within Vim

In Vim, save a file you edited in vim without the needed permissions

:w !sudo tee %

Add a kerberos user to a group

Access to Agaric test sites, issue tracking queues, and other admin tools are handled by kerberos.


Add users to groups here:

sudo vi /etc/apache2/groups

Make sure you refer to the user as the username you provided (should be lowercase) followed by @MAYFIRST.ORG (all of this must be in uppercase, so for project example with username example you would add a line like this:

example: example@MAYFIRST.ORG

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