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Free software CD ripper for Mac OS X

Unfortunately Songbird cannot import CDs, cannot rip the music and store it, so another tool is necessary.

That tool can be surprisingly hard to Google.

The open source free software CD ripper to mp3 and ogg-vorbis and all sorts of other formats is Max.

OpenOffice spell check giving you a clean bill of health for words like asnoteudesaotdiusetoadhus.ocrfpueidh?

It's the language of the document (and quite possibly the default language for documents) not being set to what you actually use and have dictionaries installed for.


Choosing all the remotely changed files in a git conflicted merge

Stricken with fear at the thought of handling a huge conflicted merge file by file, when you know you can just pick one side of the conflict and be done with it?


git pull

gives you the bad news...

git mergetool

is usually the first recourse.

Used meld, my default for git mergetool, for the first one. Which fortunately was the only one i wanted to merge manually.

I refused to merge the next one and then took the provided opportunity to cancel the merge.


Usage of the terms Free Software and Open Source

Free Software and Open Source

Why Open Source misses the point of Free Software.

The definitions of both are functionally identical, which is what is important of course.

I prefer combining the terms open source free software because i find it descriptive altogether even if it is technically/literally redundant.

Agaric Quick Tip: if git status works yet 'not a repository', you're in a symlink

If git status works and git anything else doesn't, you are probably in a symlink.

ls -la doesn't show a .git directory, but git status gives results, but git pull says it's not a git repository?

cd up another directory or two (one at a time) and ls -la to see.

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