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Refining Agaric's mission statement

Changed our front-page mission statement from this:

Agaric uses the power of open source free software, the internet, and people to build sites that give control to our clients and their communities. Our founding principles include the goal of helping all people gain the most power possible over their own lives.

Please look around and learn how we can help you, and don't hesitate to contact us.

To this, which is mostly what we came up with a while ago:

Rename multiple files

for f in *;do mv $f ${f/test/prod};done

An alternate way to using a rename command, rename 's/dgd7_tip/remarkup/' * (from )

Understanding past changes with diff and git log

In figuring out what changed in a theme's files (an incorrectly made subtheme; instead of overriding the base themes stylesheets, changes should have gone into its own files with different names), these commands were useful.

diff -uP themes/bartik/css/colors.css sites/default/themes/dgd7theme/css/style.css > theme.diff
git log --cc sites/default/themes/dgd7theme/css/style.css > log.diff

Kept running them for the three different files, and reloading theme.diff and log.diff in gvim to see the changes. Quite convenient.

IRC: Identify oneself to nickserv automatically

Messages not seen by a user who was +r -ed against spammers.

It was explained to me: If you set up your client properly then yes it identifies you. The best and easiest is to use your nickserv password as server password. It works well and every irc client supports that.

I had simply been missing the password in my server registration for

In LimeChat's case (a Mac OS X IRC client) it had a password field for the username, as well as the server, so i'm trying that first.

Cloning git locally to test a Drupal module in development on multiple sites

Working on a site ( which is in its own big Git repository. But when working on a module that's custom to the site but probably will become generalized and contributed back, we simply git init in that module's directory to make it a repository too. No git submodules or other voodoo. In addition to getting us an independent commit history for that module, it gives us the ability to throw that module into other situations and work on it there.

Agaric's Trac workflow

This is in etc/trac/trac.ini. Note that each project can override in its own trac.inin (which for Agaric's system is in /srv/trac/PROJECTNAME/conf/trac.ini).

Using a debugger

To open AJAX modal windows or submit forms while watching with a debugger

Start the debugger and go to the desired page once it has completed loading the first. Then go through the next run and submit the form. You stay in the debugger until you stop t. The only important thing is to complete all page loads in the debugger.

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