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Using PostgreSQL (psql) - getting past the immediate authentication failure

How in the world aren't there very clear instructions for getting started with PostgreSQL after apt-get install postgresql?

UPDATE: Doing this the right way

Read the documentation that Debian (and so Ubuntu) provide, typically in /usr/share/doc/<package-name>

The documentation we need can be read with:
vi /usr/share/doc/postgresql-8.4/README.Debian.gz

2. Get a shell for the database superuser 'postgres'. If your system
has an active root user, use su:

IRC: Identify oneself to nickserv automatically

Messages not seen by a user who was +r -ed against spammers.

It was explained to me: If you set up your client properly then yes it identifies you. The best and easiest is to use your nickserv password as server password. It works well and every irc client supports that.

I had simply been missing the password in my server registration for

In LimeChat's case (a Mac OS X IRC client) it had a password field for the username, as well as the server, so i'm trying that first.

Set your name in

git config --global "My Name"
git config --global ""

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