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Installing Cygwin for Drupal patch testing and development

Update: See Randy Fay's Cygwin quickstart tutorial,

Many Drupal things are best done in a UNIX-like environment. One solution is to run a Linux distribution like Ubuntu in a virtual machine, as is provided by Another solution (on Microsoft Windows) is Cygwin, to bring the power of the UNIX command line to Windows.

Super-annoying Firefox fail on Mac OS X when any kind of JavaScript alert occurs while print or save dialog is open

A mozilla magazine forum poster, gensym, described it well on March 8th, 2010:

A concrete example is when the "extended running time of a script" is caused by (or triggered while) a File Save dialog is open: the unresponsive script warning dialog will then pop up logically _behind_ the File Save dialog (at least in Mac OS X, panther (10.3) through leopard (10.5)).

Browsing the Drupal database

Moshe on browsing the database at the Boston

He uses the Mac program SequelPro (completely free and open source).


Find $db_url in settings.php

username, password, host, and database name.

Can put this data into Sequel Pro.

Bottom line: as long as you have a backup, do not be afraid to fiddle with your database!

Send an e-mail to an administrator when a new user registers on a Drupal 7 site

10:13 benjamin-agaric: Drupal 7 - the simplest way to have an administrator e-mailed when a new user signs up? Can't find any core setting and no trigger does it either? Seems we should have a way to get this functionality short of Rules module... thoughs?
10:22 benjamin-agaric: Answer: it can be done through Drupal core- an advanced action simply has to be configured first at admin/config/system/actions/configure and then back to trigger configuration.

Dates of joining for first registered users

There is no accurate registration date information for the first couple years, the first couple thousand users, of's history. There is even a discrepancy between the posted "Member for" dates and the apparent launch of the site.

Between users and the date of registration (time on site, or "Member for") jumps by two years and two weeks.

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