Dates of joining for first registered users
There is no accurate registration date information for the first couple years, the first couple thousand users, of's history. There is even a discrepancy between the posted "Member for" dates and the apparent launch of the site.
Between users and the date of registration (time on site, or "Member for") jumps by two years and two weeks.
The latter times, which is identical for the first two thousand users (give or take a hundred), actually dates to more than a month before the domain name was even registered.
The first valid dates of registration, therefore, start on 2003 April 16, and progress naturally from there.
Does anyone know what meaning this might have? Were all 2,000 of the first users from the original (We don't think so.) A bad upgrade from Drupal 4.1 to Drupal 4.2 (which was released in February of 2003)?
Any way to recapture these numbers to see the early spread of Drupal?
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