To be used with care. Pages are complete only when they meet the posting guidelines.
As discussed, for the contact page, I want the following fields automatically submitted through to the LEADS tab in Salesforce:
1. Company Name
2. Contact Name (First Name and Last Name – 2 fields)
3. E-mail Address
4. Phone Number
5. Address (Address, City, State, Postal/Zip code, Country)
6. Additional comments box (optional)
I can add any field to Salesforce so let me know if you need me to do that.
I was thinking maybe a CCK field to tell a form what Salesforce lead "Source" categorization a form should have ought to be able to do double duty as the indicator that "this form should be sent to Salesforce as a lead."
However, that would require a CCK field to be able to add a submit handler that applies to the entire form it is added to, and I'm not sure they can do that.
Many moons ago, back in my days of owning a web site cart, it used to be that when you were creating drupal themes or doing css in general, you had to go through a ton of trial and error just to see if you were 'touching' a certain div or something in order to add properties to it, a huge issue when things are nested deeply.
Jody Foster has joined Zivtech, and Agaric wishes our best to our colleagues in the Philadelphia area.
They will soon learn that once you have two people, you have a true Drupal shop, and you're just a few steps away from total world domination.
The power of connecting the right people is what PWGD is all about, and it's been exciting to live that power with Agaric Design Collective and to see the same thing happen for other Drupal coders out there.
Fantastically helpful person on the Chandler-users list:
the menu item Edit > Find, or slash F (e.g., /f searchterm) in the quick entry (QE) bar will work also.
I am working for a current Salesforce commercial client and we are integrating Salesforce with a new Drupal web site. For both their account and my developer account, authentication fails using the e-mail and password. I know that Salesforce protects against unauthorized access by IP-based whitelists, and I am wondering if this is the problem.
We have not received e-mails at either account noting a failed login, and am wondering if there is a place in the admin interface that I have missed and can enable the web site.
OK, this worked, in a completely fresh directory:
Ebony-II:~ ben$ mkdir /RCS/cvsfresh
Ebony-II:~ ben$ cd /RCS/cvsfresh/
Ebony-II:cvsfresh ben$ export
Ebony-II:cvsfresh ben$ cvs login
Logging in to
CVS password:
Ebony-II:cvsfresh ben$ cvs co -l contributions/modules
cvs checkout: Updating contributions/modules
U contributions/modules/.project
Agaric wants our sites to generate a list of enabled modules.
Update: So we made an enabled modules module.
We want each enabled module to be listed even if the module code isn't there. This is convenient when moving messy sites.
Ideally the list of modules could communicate back to a central site and let you know what's up, but that functionality should actually live with update_status.
Two similar needs means we make a module!
drush Unable to checkout from
Fortunately, someone smarter than me solved the problem for themselves in three minutes on #drupal-support:
<phpgirl> Anyone here use "drush"? I'm trying to install a module and I get "Unable to checkout views from"
<phpgirl> Ah, it would help if I actually had "cvs" installed, heh
Confirmed that this was my problem with the negative non-answers to these commands:
man cvs
cvs --version
And then installed CVS:
Drush love continues. First, we use Drush's command line help to answer our every question. It follows the format drush help command.
ben@server:/sites/ignitecleanenergy/www/sites/all/modules$ drush/drush.php help pm install
Usage: drush [options] pm install ...
is the short name of a project hosted on,
or the short name and the version number (Drupal major version is optional).
e.g. project, project-5.x-1.0, project-1.0, project-1.x-dev, project-1.1-rc1
So far, only modules are supported.