Search in Chandler
Fantastically helpful person on the Chandler-users list:
the menu item Edit > Find, or slash F (e.g., /f searchterm) in the quick entry (QE) bar will work also.
For full boolean search support, yes, the feature is somewhat hidden. Instead of /F, use /L (for Lucene, the underlying indexing and search infrastructure). /F is suitable for search terms best restricted to alphanumeric text only. Anything more advanced, boolean operators, wild cards, exclusions, etc., can be performed with /L. The reasoning behind partitioning the functionality between /F and /L lies somewhere between user interaction/design concerns and technical constraints. So it goes... /L works great, and more info can be found at these links. may have had the same problem I had a bit ago in that the Chandler project wiki page documenting the Find/Search syntax was titled "Documentation for Chandler Query System". I have just updated that page's title to include the string "Find, Search" to help hopefully others find more info about find.
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