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To be used with care. Pages are complete only when they meet the posting guidelines.

Style within content in Drupal: use standard HTML tags

Ask Agaric: how to get colorful, styled text within the content I write?

(See also: Why not WYSIWIG.)

One request: we are trying to get more color and liveliness into the site. Can you give me the HTML code for purple font? I’d like to change all the headings in the verbiage to purple…! Thanks.

Theming the File Attachments in Drupal 5.x

Alrighty then,

If you're reading this then you've probably been searching for a way to theme the default file attachment table in drupal and add cool icons according to the file's mime type, (ie. if it is an mp3 then a music icon will show, if a pdf then a pdf icon, etc)

This is a quick and easy method to help you get this done on your sites and make people think you are cool...


On the value of automatic messages that gather data to define themselves

So you don't look as silly as this:

[Error message] Files with the extension mp4 are not allowed. Please upload a file with an extension from the following list: avi mpg ogg wmv mov. [/Error message]

Please use the form below to upload your video to LivingConversations. This site accepts many file formats, including .avi, .mpg, .mp4, .wmv, mov, and .flv, but files must not exceed 100 MB.

Problems with work for hire in software development

This is a /proprietary/ developer explaining why work for hire doesn't work:

My take is that software development is not a linear process, it's an iterative process. Therefore in everything I create there tends to be bits of things that I've created in the past for other clients. Given this situation selling my code to a client isn't really a tenable situation. For me to do that I'd either have to eventually go out of business because I wouldn't have any unique code to sell after a while, or lie to my clients. Neither is attractive.

Ask Agaric: Drupal Site Building Question

Hey Ben,

Thanks for your website.Plenty to read good stuff.I have a
question about drupal implementation.I have installed it already
but i'm still confused where to start building the site.I am only needing the site for uploading/download PPT/Doc and Video
materials.What theme and modules should fit to my needs.


Hello Jack,

We have a very short summary of resources and recommended first steps here:

Ask Agaric: Title-only feeds with core Drupal Aggregator

Ben, can you also tell [...] how to get the RSS feed sources out of the feed. If you look at it, before each link it says "COA News" or "Friends of Canadian Broadcasting" etc... which is kind of tacky. Our CDM site just shows the title of the story, which is much better.

Apparently, you just have to make one or more categories, and the category view will skip the source prefix.


Change comment authorname and date in Drupal

In Drupal, you can set the user (author) and date of a comment to something other than yourself and that moment, if you have administer comments permission– just not while posting.

If you click the edit link for the comment after posting, there will be a collapsed "Administration" section where you can change the username and posting timestamp, just like you can for a node.

Any call for allowing this on posting as well?


Original Edit Term module project page text

Current text and project:

Edit term provides a block on taxonomy listing pages with links to edit taxonomy terms .

UPDATE: With a patch from new co-maintainer Dan Morrison (dman), edit_term will become 75% more Drupaly as it provides edit and view tabs directly on taxonomy listing pages.

Variables available in _phptemplate_variables for node templates

The variables you get to play with while setting new variables are nice.

So you can do switch or if statements on $var['type'] to only provide certain variables to certain node types.

function _phptemplate_variables($hook, $vars = array()) {
  switch ($hook) {
    case 'node':
  return $vars;

About Drupal's main RSS feed

This post is about the main site feed, found on any Drupal site by adding /rss.xml to the site's main web address. (Drupal can also create all kinds of feeds for taxonomy terms and views.)

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