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Showing hooks used

The Difficulty of Identifying All Hook Implementations

explained by Matej Midriak (wapnik):

Sorry i don't have time now to examine the code to find all those
patterns (if that's even possible without reading the entire drupal
sources), but here is one example.
In drupal_mail() function:

Agaric would like to sync Tomboy / Gnote with a Drupal site like Data.Agaric

Should be quite possible as Tomboy notes are saved in XML; not finding anyone doing it.

In Drupal, it would make sense to make Tomboy notes their own content type, so they could have their special linking, but full web content with pictures and taxonomy and all that good stuff would be separate, and could reference/include Tomboy notes.

Preventing code calling external web services from slowing or stopping display of your site

I think the best way is probably AJAX.

Using curl which takes a timeout argument is also possible.

In Drupal 7, better to use drupal_http_request().

Mobile presentation by Jason Chinn, BADcamp 2010

i asked about Opera:

Jeff Robbins:
Opera is the browser on alternate devices

they're very compatible

nowadays when they talk about Symbian - Nokia's OS

currently, in the marketplace, most people have android or iphone, and it's the same browser.

i don't know how much is from Rob, and how much from google…

Drupal Business Panel with Ron Huber, Jenn Sramek, Matt Cheney, and Chris Bryant

Chris Bryant of Gravitek
Matt Cheney of Chapter Three
Jenn Sramek of Civic Actions
moderated by Ron Huber of Achieve Internet

[shops i consider role models]
i don't have them listed or ranked

most people were in the last presentation

in my opinion most [Drupal shops] are about the same size, under 40.

Ch3 = 27

Civic Actions - 37-40

Chris Bryant
gravitek - 10

Page Rendering in Drupal 7 presentation, Moshe Weitzman, transcript

Page Rendering in Drupal 7, presentation by Moshe Weitzman at DrupalCon Paris 2009. Transcript.

Changes you can make with this rendering system that was hard with D6 but trivial in D7.

Upgrading from Drupal 7 alpha 6 to Drupal 7 beta 2

This isn't pretty. And i've probably left out a critical step.

Core concepts: making some changes directly in the database. Enabling head2head and alpha2alpha in the database (setting both status and schema_version). Manually commenting out the update hooks that i did in the database to make user module's updates work so that alpha2alpha's can work.

Setting the line in alpha2alpha.module to give the current version:

  $version = variable_get('alpha2alpha_version', 7);

Saving the modules page no longer (necessarily) rebuilds menus

Here's the code in system_modules_submit() - the function called when admin/modules is saved - that skips over flushing caches if no modules are enabled or disabled:

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