User login


[old] Skinr weirdness, an unneeded line breaks the next one

[This may be out of date]

This didn't start working until i added the squid line.

skinr[second_sidebar][features][] = squid
skinr[second_sidebar][features][] = block

(Squid is not added to the features array, but it's the only thing that makes block show up. And if 'block' is put first, then it's only squid that is added to the array of features.)




produces fuzz

Access Denied to User 1 in Open Atrium

Access denied on node creation form | Open Atrium Community

"Access Denied" to User 1 consistently | Open Atrium Community

Seeing node information (such as content type) with a helper module that is not readily available otherwise

Finding a module
drupal node info block node information block module

if not displayed

creation date and time

creation author (user who created the node)

And also:

promoted to front page status

sticky status

node ID (NID)

published status

commenting status (enabled, read only, or disabled)

should theoretically be visible

Cache expiration in Drupal 7

On admin/config/development/performance

Minimum cache lifetime
Cached pages will not be re-created until at least this much time has elapsed.
Expiration of cached pages
The maximum time an external cache can use an old version of a page.

What exactly does each mean?

This is quite a major point of confusion for Drupal 6:

See Drupal 7 permissions internal system names

Asked in IRC #drupal

has anyone made a Drupal 7 module for seeing the system names for all permissions? (now the Permissions UI uses human-friendly names and descriptions)

No response.

Update: This has been incorporated into Xray.

A visual online commerce distribution and hosted service

draft proposal

Given the many small businesses with no online shop or one that is not serving their or their customer's needs, Agaric intends to release an online commerce distribution and hosted service (with collaborators?) built on Drupal 7 and the Commerce module.

Market research

Worthy competitors, turn-key shops to compare:

Drupal distributions session by Omar Bickell at DrupalCamp Montreal

See also Hally Turner's notes on this presentation.

irakli and jmiccolis know more, this draws in part on their presentations.

Distributions contain installation profiles
(an installation profile does not contain a distribution)

install profiles are install time only
- run custom install tasks
- enable modules and themes

A lot of those on are old, not released, or unmaintained

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