User login

Benjamin Melançon

Customize breadcrumbs (for node_gallery module, using custom_breadcrumbs module)

Here is how i customized the breadcrumbs for galleries to remove the username, building on the documentation at and contributing back to that page what you see below:

Mysterious insertion of paragraph tag (in DOM only, not in code) inside span

.section-aboutus .date-display-single {

.section-aboutus .date-display-single p { margin:0px; padding:0px; }

Can that second CSS rule call the p tag into being?

Definitely one of the freakiest things I've seen. The source code contained no p tag within the span. The code shown by Firebug and Safari's inspector both had the the paragraph tag.

Actual source code:

<p>Tri Star Pictures <span class="date-display-single">2009</span></p>

Make modifications to a sidebar block menu that primarily mirrors top-level drop-down menu

Using the magic of menu block (dev) and menu attributes.

theming menus
drupal menu theming

Another great reason to use Menu Block - the menu block alter function.

JavaScript Bookmarklet to open a web site's path in a new window with a different base URL

This is useful when manually checking each page on a site to the corresponding page on a replacement site, as the final check before taking the new site live.

Starting with the basic documentation-style JavaScript, and hacked at it:

Check for duplicate titles of a node with AJAX to warn immediately before entering more data or submitting

Attached is a custom module that piggybacks on Unique Field and steals most of its other code from username_checkUsername Check.

Commit message: "Working Unique Field AJAX enhancement for node titles. Pretty sweet. It doesn't take away the duplicate warning when you change the title to not be duplicate, but it does change to a green checkmark (courtesy of the username_check module from which I also stole most of the code)."

Below, tales from

See all path aliases for a node

Now a module!

drupal show all paths
drupal show all paths for a node
show alias
drupal module list aliases

Show path aliases to nodes in other languages

Clean up and rationalize Drupal core Taxonomy Term Add and Edit form

I can't believe no one has done this!

Simplify the taxonomy interface for administrators by removing the taxonomy related terms box...

drupal taxonomy hide related terms
drupal form tweaks remove related terms

The commit message upon completion...

"Clean taxonomy term add / edit form by removing related terms and moving parents from the closed advanced fieldset to the open identification fieldset if the vocabulary has already been made hierarchical."

And the code:

Maintaining a module on with CVS: committing changes

This is for a module where the current version's code is in HEAD and we aren't going to do any branching.

(agc is an agaric-specific helper script.)

agc entreztest NEW
cd drupal/
cd sites/all/modules/
mkdir entrez
cvs login
cvs co -d entrez contributions/modules/entrez
cd entrez/

Remove page headline for a given content type

To remove the page title (the one that prints in the page itself, not in the browser bar) for a specific node type, use this simple code in your template_preprocess_page() function.

Make sure you wrap the code that outputs the header in page.tpl.php in a conditional if statement, so that if there is no title it does not output the <h1></h1> tags.

This code goes in template.php of a theme named "example":

Wireless router connection failing to establish with Windows Vista

Best solution to this problem: Dump Vista and Windows entirely.

But if you can't switch to Ubuntu or something reasonable quite yet, and Windows Vista is telling you your wireless network passkey, passphrase, or password is incorrect when you know it's not...

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