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Using directory-reserved paths in Drupal

[There is no current general resolution to using directory-reserved paths, but it's surely possible with custom Apache rewrite rules-- apparently everyone concludes (as i am right now) that it's not worth the effort!]

Partial Resolution

To .htaccess, add:

    # Allow the modules path to be used by Drupal for the modules chapter.
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/modules/?$
    RewriteRule ^ index.php [L]

Altering path and theme path of template files in Drupal 7 is just for make-believe?

Update: Issue posted.

The goal is to use the book-variable.tpl.php (exactly like the book-variable.tpl.php is used, including how it gets overridden by themes) but without its preprocess function. Here's one fallback approach that should work, but doesn't, due to seeming weirdness in Drupal:

See all path aliases for a node

Now a module!

drupal show all paths
drupal show all paths for a node
show alias
drupal module list aliases

Show path aliases to nodes in other languages

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