How to
Information on how to do something... anything.
Easiest maybe best way is to create a new public-private key pair in Git, as mentioned in Getting Started with Git and GitHub on Windows:
ssh-keygen -C "" -t rsa
Another fix for public key denied errors, mentioned on the GitHub discussion group, was
tuning my .ssh/config file to include these lines:
There's a hook for that! The logically named hook_requirements lets you set requirements for each module.
To make these requirements apply to an installation profile, simply put your implementation of hook_requirements in the .install file of a module that is required by that installation profile.
Skip down to the resolution for the code that worked– doing it this Drupal way.
Keep reading for the various wrong turns on the path to the right direction.
It's a common situation– you create a simple view that may do little more than filter on one content type in order to get a listing of press releases or links or recipes.
Sure, you can explain to your client and users that going to "Create content" and clicking press release or link or recipe will, when the post is submitted, get it automatically listed on this Views page. And that's pretty nice. But it's a lot more intuitive if the link to create relevant content were right on the view itself.
So it's 1am and you want to theme the search form output of your brand new drupal 6 theme, here's the quick and easy one step guide that will get you though it. Yep, that's right, 1 step, because that's how we do it the agaric way...
STEP 1 of 1
Paste the code below into into your trusty template.php file and customize to your heart's desire... (leave out the php open and closing tags, we use em to make the output look nice, with pretty colors and stuff...)
To burn a Mac disk image to CD, you can simply open Disk Utility (or have the icon in the dock or in an open directory) and drag the folder of stuff you want to burn into Disk Utility. Then you can insert a blank CD or DVD and click the burn button (the one that looks like a nuclear fallout shelter circle).
There are various approaches to getting a usable development environment working on a Microsoft Windows machine. Here are some:
Best bet, virtualbox? Let's you make believe you're actually on, say Debian Linux.
For semantic correctness (your site's code saying what it means) and search engine optimization, your site's title should be in level one header (h1
) tags on the front page and something else, such as strong
tags, on all other (interior) pages.
For some reason, someone over at Google thought it would be a good idea to add a sidebar to the iGoogle homepage and not give ANY option to get rid of it, even though it essentially takes up 20% of the screen real estate...
Thankfully people out there know things, and because of that we have the iGoogle Sidebar Toggle Firefox add-on, chock full of features that help you. Well, just one actually, a little arrow that toggles that pesky sidebar...
To go to the log-in form on most any Drupal site, simply add /user to the base URL.
So for the site, visit and if it is Drupal you should be presented with the sign-in form, plus tabs to send a replacement password by e-mail and possibly to register to create a new account.
If the site does not have clean URLs enabled (which you can see if you visit other pages), you will have to include ?q= in your path: