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How to

Information on how to do something... anything.

Update Drupal core for fresh testing

cvs up -dP

If you want to completely wipe the slate clean, you can also do:

cvs up -dPC

Be careful with the C. That will overwrite anything in core you are working on.


Remove "Add comment" links from teasers

See and report to:

How to disable "Add new comment" at teaser part, but "Read more" remains

Hi Brian,

So the Drupal user interface wasn't enough? You had to make a custom node template? It took us a few months to notice the new options for displaying fields, but now we use it a lot instead of node-TYPE.tpl.php files. And I'd be interested what in that post needed updating for Drupal 6!

Running shell scripts

make file executable
chmod a+x scriptname

and don't forget to access as ./scriptname
rather than just scriptname


Calling watchdog function (logging info) in Drupal 6

In Drupal 6, the way watchdog() is used has changed a bit.

It's all defined in the API, of course, but some things could use a little more clarification.

Here's the function definition as a starting point:

function watchdog($type, $message, $variables = array(), $severity = WATCHDOG_NOTICE, $link = NULL)

Using the taxonomy term associated with a node as an argument in a view

How to in Views 2

Using a taxonomy term associated with a node as the argument in your block view. In the original Views module, the PHP Argument handling code was a collapsed fieldset that opened to reveal a textarea in which to input code. In Views 2 this is still necessary, unless we're missing out on some uber-advanced method, but harder to get to.

Print information associated with a node elsewhere in page.tpl.php, using a separate template file for theming

Thanks to a little refresher on the _phptemplate_callback function (replaced in Drupal 6's theming system with the theme registry) from searching Nick Lewis' site.

Committing a patch to a contributed module you maintain

One of the most joyous events in open source free software development is when someone contributes code back to code you contributed to the community. Here's what to do when that happens for a module you maintain on

Following the local development layout described in CVS commands for branching a Drupal 5 module to Drupal 6 (based on add1sun's).

Note: Not all command line output is shown, to better highlight the commands you should enter as the user.

Dell Mini 9: An Upgrade Odyssey

An unknown tidbit that may interest you if you're a Dell Mini 9 owner is that the max ram that a mini 9 can hold is 2GB, yes I said 2GB. Why does Dell not offer that much when you try to order them you ask? That's because of good old closed source software, in order to ship the Mini with Windows XP instead of Windows Vista (because XP licenses are cheaper), there are some hardware specs that the Mini needs to be below, one of which is a maximum installed memory of 1GB.

Theming Organic Groups

Want to have more control over what your new organic groups look like? I can't imagine why else you'd be reading this...


try this out:

Copy node-og.tpl.php to your theme's directory you'll need to rename it to reflect your group's node type(s). If your group node type is "partner" then you'd rename node-og.tpl.php to node-partner.tpl.php.

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