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To be used with care. Pages are complete only when they meet the posting guidelines.

Remember the Milk Android App

So you've embraced the glory of computing in the cloud and are now a fan of web apps like Gmail and Remember the Milk. You use them all the time from everywhere especially from your snazzy new Android handset, and you're starting to see how it all fits together, how the dawning of the age of Aquarius and the era of the internet are coinciding... well, at least you see how you should be able access whatever info you want from your Android.

Fix messy Mac-style line endings to have proper Unix text file format

In a vi text editor as reached from the command line shell with vi filename.txt or an excellent GUI such as MacVim, enter:


and your file will be beautiful, even if only parts of it were messed up with ^M non-working line breaks.

Thanks to the comment at this post.


Hook theme registry alter issue takes away entire site theme

The entire theme disappearing issue has an identified culprit.

(It was sort of cute– devel still printed the query log, but that's all we got for each page.)

First I commented out scf.module's implementation of hook_theme(), but visiting the admin/build/modules and admin/build/themes pages didn't bring it back.

Then I commented out the implementation of hook_theme_registry_alter(), and that brought the site back (and with it, the ability to see the warning messages).

First, the guilty function, that appears to only work with the scf stub theme:

IMC Alba Drupal profile nodecomment module more trouble than it's worth?

( ! ) Fatal error: Cannot redeclare _comment_get_orders() (previously declared in /var/www/imcboston/drupal/modules/comment/comment.module:1857) in /var/www/imcboston/drupal/profiles/imcdrupal/modules/imc_alba/nodecomment/nodecomment.module on line 57

Indymedia Alba's nodecomment module does not work with regular comment module enabled. With no documenation to explain why a custom nodecomment was necessary and Drupal core comment wasn't enough, I went with Drupal on this one.

Adding Drupal profile as a git submodule (terminal dump)

Not sure about this approach, let alone the documentation.

git add modules/
cd ../../../
git add .gitmodules drupal/profiles/imcdrupal/

cd drupal/profiles/imcdrupal/

git status

git commit -m "added the imc alba modules, and fckeditor (and the fckeditor third party download)"

git push

cd ../../../

git add drupal/profiles/imcdrupal/

git commit -m "With imc alba profile and modules"


Eclipse not connecting

Eclipse php browser failed to connect.

It had a good reason.

Forgot to turn on Apache.


Pubmed notes

A simple way of fetching documents from pubmed, as actually used, for testing purposes anyway:

  $efetch_url = '' . $pmid . '&retmode=xml';

// @debug
//  $efetch_load = simplexml_load_file($efetch_url);
// drupal_set_message('<pre>'.var_export($efetch_load,TRUE).'</pre>');


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