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To be used with care. Pages are complete only when they meet the posting guidelines.

Using Drush (experimental release) to add modules from outside a site

sudo ~/drush.experimental.6/drush.php -r /var/www/drupal-6-agaric-core/drupal pm install link

On sharing the command with an esteemed Agaric colleague, I realized that the instructions had to be tweaked slightly... for another person, even if run

Open Archives style metadata exposure for Biblio module

There is a module to provide an Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) interface to the Bibliography module.

Drupal use schema for uninstall

Even some quality modules by very good developers are still using db_query("DROP TABLE {example_table}"); rather than the schema just defined and properly used by the update.

But sure enough, the hook_uninstall API documentation example shows the use of schema:

function example_uninstall() {


The Drupal way, in a sentence

On IRC #drupal:

webchick: What I would rather do is pimp out trigger module so we could do that kind of stuff just through configuring some actions


Shell commands for untarring (and deleting the archive) a bunch of gzip files

In the process of adding modules Agaric finds useful to Drupal development to a special git repository I did a bit of bash command line scripting that was fun for me:

After a bunch of wget's like:

I ran:

for a in `ls -1 *.tar.gz`; do tar -zxvf $a; done
for a in `ls -1 *.tar.gz`; do rm $a; done

Drupal development modules

Agaric has added the following modules to our development git repository. Alphabetical order:

Learning Drupal by Helping Others Learn Drupal: Doing Documentation on

Coming from the best ways to learn are by doing and teaching school of thought, Agaric encourages anyone interested in getting better at Drupal or getting more involved with Drupal to attend Add1sun's January Documentation Challenge, Saturday's at 1 p.m. EST in the #drupal-docs room on IRC.

Views creating blank rows? Check your node type filtering

The 'Items to Display' in Views is set to 10. The number of blank lines that show are the difference between the limit in Views and the actual number of items in the table. So in this example, there are 7 extra blank lines (odd/even coloring) in Firefox -- there are no extra blank lines in IE.

Agaric wrote:

First of all look at the source code in both browsers and you'll see that's the same, and it might tell you more about what the extra lines are.

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