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Agaric looking at Trac for Project Management and Git integration

I have never liked Trac. I just don't like the user interface, the inability to use HTML if one wishes, some problems I encountered with cross-posting comments causing the slower writer (me) to lose their comment, and unquantifiable prejudice.

But everyone else at Agaric is for it, so for now we may try Trac+Git (a separate trac and a separate git repository for each client) for new projects rather than our Project module plus Organic Groups approach (which we will continue for most existing projects).

Cryptic Git Error Means There's No Git There

dan@mini9:~$ sudo git clone leftysbrew
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/dan/leftysbrew/.git/
Cannot get remote repository information.
Perhaps git-update-server-info needs to be run there?
dan@mini9:~$ sudo git-update-server-info
fatal: Not a git repository

Drupal Meetup Etiquette

I've been working with drupal and have been a part of the community for a fews years now. Although I may not be the most active member around, I have attended a decent amount of drupal meetups all over Massachusetts and New York City. I've seen what works, and I've seen what doesn't, the reason for this post is to state my opinion on what the purpose and goal of a meetup should be, and how it should be conducted.

Moving a site from an old version control set-up using SVN to Agaric's new Git-Capistrano glory

Agaric salutes you, Stefan!

And without further adieu, the steps to move a Drupal 5 site from one of our legacy approaches to development and deployment using version control to Stefan's Git-Capistrano set-up (and upgrading to Drupal 6 in the process).

Moving into the new system (and Drupal 6 while we're at it).

On the production server, find where it's hidden...
ben@agaricdesign:~$ locate carlitos

Git non fast forward failed to push some refs WHAT?

sudo git push
To /srv/git/drupal-6-agaric-core.git
! [rejected] master -> master (non-fast forward)
error: failed to push some refs to '/srv/git/drupal-6-agaric-core.git'

Uh... right.

But do not fear! This error likely just means other changes have been made that you should pull in first.


When naming projects that will spawn a database, be mindful of 16 character limit

Stefan has set up fantastic tools using Git and Capistrano and Rake to rapidly set up Drupal projects for Agaric. This documentation, private on, will be generalized and made public once we've worked out more bugs in the system.

This post isn't about this system specifically so much as a general caution.

If you have any setup to aid your deployment that automatically makes a database or user based on your project name, you have to be aware of MySQL's 16 character limit and do something to address this before the errors.

Modules in Agaric's Drupal 6 Core Project Starter

Agaric Design Collective's standard project starter distribution, stored as a git repository from which cloned projects can pull updates (upgraded modules or core and new additions), consists of Drupal 6 core and the following excellent contributed modules drawn from the thousands publicly available on

Drush feature request: install a module (or theme) into an arbitrarily specified directory

The ability to use the Drush Package Manager (drush pm) to install a module in an arbitrarily specified directory doesn't presently exist.

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