To be used with care. Pages are complete only when they meet the posting guidelines.
Using FileMerge to compare (Mac OS X graphical diff), no differences between the page.tpl.php in the scf_base theme and the page.tpl.php I have in scf.module.
But the site doesn't look the same at all. That means the reason moving template files to the theme layer failed is because I am not calling them right.
Had to put them in hook_theme_registry, of course.
Once that was done, progress began in earnest. Breaking the site, of course.
Seriously, what? Imagecache enabled, the role has every single permission checked, but no Imagecache under sitebuilding (or anywhere else) and the Administer by module listing just gives a link to imagecache permissions, which my user has, as if only to mock me.
Log in as user #1 and it works, the settings for imagecache are there. This is imagecache2 in a site that's been upgraded from Drupal 4.7 to Drupal 5 and Imagecaches 1 to 2.
In Drupal 6, the way watchdog() is used has changed a bit.
It's all defined in the API, of course, but some things could use a little more clarification.
Here's the function definition as a starting point:
function watchdog($type, $message, $variables = array(), $severity = WATCHDOG_NOTICE, $link = NULL)
So after a good vi Capfile
and updating the values necessary as per our new method, it's time to try Stefan's dev to test deployment:
Ebony-II:seacoastoutright ben$ cap agaric:init
How to in Views 2
Using a taxonomy term associated with a node as the argument in your block view. In the original Views module, the PHP Argument handling code was a collapsed fieldset that opened to reveal a textarea in which to input code. In Views 2 this is still necessary, unless we're missing out on some uber-advanced method, but harder to get to.
On a forum that Songbird very, very foolishly took down (formerly at, and only existed in Google cache as of today, and probably not much longer:
Chilibird Says: Sun, 06/29/2008 - 7:10pm
Well, I mistakenly found a workaround to this bug. Bumping in case anyone else has a problem.
If one deletes the iPod_Control directory on the Shuffle, Songbird will recognize the iPod the next time that it is connected. So far, I haven't had any issues, and music transfers and plays with no issue.