To be used with care. Pages are complete only when they meet the posting guidelines.
Everyone else has figured this out by now, but loudly proclaiming ignorance (as soon as I know I am ignorant) is a proud U.S. of A. tradition (albeit ordinarily done with less self-awareness).
Apologies if you had to click to read this, because the whole insight is in the page title: Use hook_theme for new theming functions and templates; use hook_theme_registry_alter to take over existing ones.
Agaric will demonstrate this with a negative example and a positive example.
I received an error because the schema for member module wasn't loading. After visiting the modules page all was fine.
Update for D7:
drupal_flush_all_caches() should work for just about anything. registry_rebuild() alone did not work in my tests.
Drupal 6
The Drupal function to reset the theme registry is drupal_rebuild_theme_registry (D6).
You can add it to your template.php while developing:
Agaric wanted and now has happily found a way to submit a node and get the create new content form immediately.
And there is a module to do that:
(I recall I wanted it as a button to "save and add new" – I still think that would be a superior user interface.)
For Drupal core development in Git rather than CVS, git:// is updated every hour from's CVS.
If, like Agaric, you're moving from multisite to separate installations for each site (or vice versa) you may find your user-uploaded file paths changing. Drag.
The solution is updating your database, and you can replace part of the file path with straight SQL:
UPDATE files
SET filepath
= REPLACE(filepath
, "sites/", "sites/default/files/")