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Displaying taxonomy terms differently according to their vocabulary

This is how one would embed it in a node.tpl.php, but this should all be done in a pre-process function instead.

Bulk taxonomy import term-by-term is just too slow

Struggling with taxonomy import.

After stripping everything out, the conclusion is that taxonomy_save_term, by itself, without even the hooks to add extra data, is simply too slow, with a minimum of three database calls per term. (data, hierarchy, vocabulary)

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1048576 bytes) in /RCS/agaric/agaric-sites/scf/includes/ on line 836


Increased to 256MB. It ran forever, then returned this:

Snips of TCS import function for Taxonomy XML for future reference

// commented out below from TCS, possibly of interest
  //  $term = (object) array(
  //    'predicates' => array(),
  //  );
//    $term->id = $concept->getAttribute('id');

//    $term->uri = $url;

//      $term->name = $termname->textContent;
//      $term->namerefs[] = $termname->getAttribute('ref');

Using the taxonomy term associated with a node as an argument in a view

How to in Views 2

Using a taxonomy term associated with a node as the argument in your block view. In the original Views module, the PHP Argument handling code was a collapsed fieldset that opened to reveal a textarea in which to input code. In Views 2 this is still necessary, unless we're missing out on some uber-advanced method, but harder to get to.

Dropbox functionality (of the kind wanted for Related Content) already implemented

"chx has a dropbox module in CVS, which'd provide a 'clipboard' for putting stuff into, for operations to be taken on later." (catch comment on Taxonomy improvements thread)


Ask Agaric: Drupal for Artists

This question came from a fellow couchsurfer.

We are dedicating our selfs almost all summer to learn drupal and make a website for artists.

Agaric asks itself: help. views arguments? Taxonomy, nodes, and context

The Question: How to use arguments to make a block view show content associated with pages


so there are industry pages under the industry dropdown. AND there are products pages under the products dropdown, products is its own content type, industry pages are pages, the products content type has a vocabulary associated with it that basically has all the industries in it.

Original Edit Term module project page text

Current text and project:

Edit term provides a block on taxonomy listing pages with links to edit taxonomy terms .

UPDATE: With a patch from new co-maintainer Dan Morrison (dman), edit_term will become 75% more Drupaly as it provides edit and view tabs directly on taxonomy listing pages.

Save the Nodes: preserving old d.o docs by flagging it as deprecated

On the last hours of the coding sprint following the amazing Drupal conference, I accosted Steven Peck and asked in person about (one of my many) pet issues: that documentation (or any non-spam node) not be deleted from Assorted drupallers wandering around MIT agreed with this in principal, but also agreed with Steven that old content referring to unsupported versions of Drupal would have to be very clearly flagged.

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