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Suggested terms - module which solves part of the same problem CMT tackles

This module provides "suggested terms" for free-tagging Taxonomy fields based on terms already submitted. It replaces the description field on free-tagging fields with a clickable list of previously entered terms. If javascript is not enabled the list will still appear but not be clickable. It provides the best of both worlds between a pre-existing list of terms and the ability to add new terms on the fly as needed.

Theming node creation forms to split up taxonomy input fields by vocabulary

The otherwise excellent documentation Using Theme Override Functions For Forms doesn't work too well for core forms like the node form. What that documentation is actually about is creating your own overridable theme functions for your own custom forms.

It's a somewhat different approach to overriding core forms. And even though you may have a custom content type "custom" you cannot override its form with theme_node_custom_form, sadly.

Override taxonomy/term style links for a custom (module-owned) vocabulary

(Solution at bottom.)

Agaric's initial test implementation hook_link_alter indicated that it doesn't quite act however the module w

Amazing places? Towards an open database of location data.

Combined with community-managed taxonomy, I can see this making it possible for us (Drupal users and people who care about open knowledge) to create our own definitive geographic listing.

Right now place module only understands points, but once I understand geo well enough to use that method of storing location information instead... I'm sure it too can be democratized to allow the feedback of millions of people to identify what's where.

I'm at latitude and longitude such and such, and I am inside Natick!

Agaric would host a server to aggregate the votes...

Agaric Wants: to be able to add taxonomy terms en masse by checking off nodes in a list

2009 Update: (this module was around, just didn't find it until now!)
And has been made far more powerful.

The below is very, very out of date.

Determining all possible parent paths for an arbitrary-depth one-to-many categorization structure

Wherein Ben discovers he doesn't know computer programming at all.

The community-managed taxonomy module needs to know all possible parent paths for an arbitrary-depth categorization structure. Even though taxonomy terms have a many-to-many relationship, when tracing back from one term to its parent(s), and that parent's parent(s), and so on to root level, it's one-to-many from that perspective. Barring illegal loops, there must be a finite number of possible ancestor paths, but all my attempts to walk through them have not quite resulted in predictable, correct results

Basically I want to display every possible one-to-one lineage for an item with ancestors.

Community-Managed Categories Proposal as Submitted

[Proposal to Google Summer of Code 2007 with the Drupal project as originally submitted. Now re-titled Community-Managed Taxonomy to get more with the Drupal way.]

To introduce several features to enable communities of users to create and manage categories directly. Users will be able to vote to combine terms or to move terms under one another in a hierarchy.

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