Taxonomy-based location module.
The key to preventing infinite loops in a Place vocabulary, which can be introduced while cleaning it up via Taxonomy Manager, is not to assume that just because something has the name of a country that it is a country.
Users have on occasion mistakenly put a town name in the country field and a country in the town field.
Now, I had already adapted taxonomy manager (via form_alter, without touching the its code, we did it the Drupal way!) to show this information provided by the Place module.
Combined with community-managed taxonomy, I can see this making it possible for us (Drupal users and people who care about open knowledge) to create our own definitive geographic listing.
Right now place module only understands points, but once I understand geo well enough to use that method of storing location information instead... I'm sure it too can be democratized to allow the feedback of millions of people to identify what's where.
I'm at latitude and longitude such and such, and I am inside Natick!
Agaric would host a server to aggregate the votes...
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /Users/ben/workspace/repos/agaric/agaric-modules/place/5/place/taxonomy_location/ on line 1
renamed file and started a new one with Mac line endings instead of Unix:
The new file worked. But very soon, a new problem:
Place and/or taxonomy_location should be integrated with pathauto, see for inspiration: (which originally added location options to pathauto as another module and is now being merged into it as a patch.)