User login

Needs Improvement

Workable solution needs improvement

Printing an arbitrary menu just like primary_links and secondary_links

You can find out your menu name by going to admin/build/menu and hovering over it-- the name is a text string, separating the words in the menu title with dashes, and all lower case.

In your template.php

function agarictheme_preprocess_page(&$vars) {
  $menu = menu_navigation_links("menu-name-here");
  $vars['special_menu_name'] = theme('links', $menu);

In page.tpl.php (or page-front.tpl.php or other variation)

The Agaric Drupal Book

We are going to write a Drupal book, so we have to plan important stuff, like the title

Drupal: The Living Web

Building web sites for people

How to do Drupal sustainably

by the Agaric Collective
and friends

Powering Drupal search with Apache Solr

After having spent some weeks in the US with my colleagues from Natick, Massachusetts, and Providence, Rhode Island, I am back in Germany now. We went to DrupalCon DC together which turned out to be an inspiring event for a Drupal newbie like me. One of the sessions I attended was More than search; how ApacheSolr changes the way you build sites by Jacob Singh.

What is Solr? Here's what the developers say:

A way to disable modules, functionality, and cron hooks in different environments

In on use case, feeds as nodes (with FeedAPI) causes issues with dbscripts approach to managing staging and deployment. Dev and live will pull the same content with a different IDs. In one solution, we'll have to disable aggregation on development.

Do we have a module for that? "if at this address, force this module to disabled." Not that we can find.

It is a shame this isn't part of settings.php

Science Collaboration Framework repository structure

SCF may have to move to a full Drupal distribution at some point, but for now it is a profiles directory that can be put into any Drupal 6 installation (before or after install is run).


The modules directory is currently broken down into categories.


If a module is customized, modifications to a module that is available elsewhere, it should be called something else. Otherwise there are namespace conflicts, one overriding the other, and potentially breaking the dependencies for it.

Take a site into Read Only mode while upgrades are performed on a staging site

When you have a web site

There's got to be a module for that... (6 only, lots of configuration)

Report-back to this thread:

Admin switch to make site read-only


My Ubuntu Environment

How to set up Ubuntu so it works with Ben's head.

Clipboard history:
sudo apt-get install glipper

Graphical diff/merge tool:
sudo apt-get install meld

More Ubuntu Configuration Tips

from Dan:

CompizConfic: Check off, under extras, Windows Preview, to see the windows when you alt tab.


Presenting Drupal and Semantic Web

from video. Presentation by Boris Mann.

Drupal 7 will be the most widely deployed Semantically enabled platform.

Not technically true, but practically speaking, this is the way we can use it.

Blog = Better Listings On Google
CMS = Content Made Semantic

I firmly believe the Semantic Land Rush will happen (heh, i made my gold rush slide a week before– we're thinking the same).

MOAT: Meaning Of A Tag

Distributed file system called bitcache (?)

Lots of stuff built around RDF because it's

"When I point at a specific tag I'm

SWAN presentation to MIT Semantic Web meetup group by Paolo

Our goal: Manage the [scientific knowledge base]

contains 40 statements
including: A claim
which has:
supporting evidence
relationships with other statments in the knowledge base

not a complete RDF graph because we are pruning some information
first level, claims (C)
then in the outside level
H stands for hypothesis

The Golde hypothesis includes a claim which is inconsistent with another claim in the same hypothesis. This suggests something is wrong here.

Drupal on Semantics presentation to

Scor on his own

CCK lets you present

Q: Is there one table per module? No.

Can you export the mapping?

Exporting of the RDF

We also have the beginning of RDFa output for the properties, injected in the HTML.

Drupal 6. I can talk about Drupal 7.

Need to convince the

Drupal is known for running on cheap hosting, you couldn't run on a Java RDF store. But it might be coming

I already used ARC when I export the RDF.

What about disconnected data sets?

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