User login

Needs Improvement

Workable solution needs improvement

Updating modules with Drush and Agaric's wrapper scripts

cd /sites/PROJECTNAME/www/sites/all/modules/
sudo /srv/scripts/ MODULENAME

Drush can update everything at once without listing a module name but I'm not sure my script (attached) will add them to SVN right if it does (if my script even adds it to SVN right). You can and probably should do this on the test site first, note that everything's working (and hit update.php and make sure that doesn't break anything) and then SVN update live to get the changes over there (and hit update.php again on the live instance of the site, too).

File uploads and Drupal 5 forms

sudo svn commit -m "uploading images will work so much better with the enctype set"

The important part, the lack of which is what was making image uploads simply not work for what were at the time unknown reasons, is the last line: $form['#attributes']['enctype'] = 'multipart/form-data';. For the file form element to work, for the file to be able to upload, the entire form's encoding type has to be set to multipart.

MySQL user at any host doesn't work, needs localhost in some local personal computer development environments

Where the user, password, and database are all "xmp".

ben@blackbox:/var/www/xmp$ mysql -u xmp -pxmp xmp < IMPORT_THIS_TO_YOUR_XMP_DB.sql

ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'xmp'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

i can't even get that to work

Solution: it was the weird thing where telling it to allow the connection from % (any host) doesn't work when you use localhost

i think I had the problem on XAMPP, and Alan had it on Bitnami or whatever, and now on our Ubuntu box. Very very weird

Allow users to assign issues to other people in the project group (organic groups and project module integration)

Client requests began immediately with the launch of running Project module with Organic Groups:

How do I assign a bug to someone else? I would like to assign the "vol in bold" issue to [P].

Here is a first draft of a function used in our project module and organic groups integration.

Following this model which was proposed to add assignment to other CVS account holders on itself:

Image link rollovers for dynamic (user-uploaded) graphics with Drupal and CSS

The goal: a CSS-only rollover graphic that can also be a link that is uploaded by users.

Eliminating other options:

This could be done with JavaScript, but we and the W3C and everyone's sanity would much prefer a pure CSS solution.

Can you have inline styles with pseudo classes (namely, :hover?)


Building a Zen sub-theme: In shell commands

From the Zen documentation How to build your own sub-theme (6.x), translated into bash commands. The project is called example, and we have installed the zen theme to sites/default/themes.

Someone enterprising could make this into a simple bash script.

UPDATE: Someone did turn this into a bash script that was later incorporated into the docs. Here is a modified version of a more robust script that was posted to Jason Chinn's Magicsparks site:

CVS update, Piston update, and SVN commit of Drupal core upgrade for deployed site

I am not entirely sure Piston provides a vital role here, but for now I'd just like to say it worked!

Here is the very basic test. Ordinarily you wouldn't be updating core immediately after deploying a new site, but unlike me ordinarily you would be paying attention.

Many of these commands produce lots and lots of output which is skipped here, but some of which will be mentioned below for orientation and knowing what to expect. On a test server:

Virtual hosts on Mac OS X Leopard with XAMPP

To set this up with xampp on Mac OS X,

vi /Applications/xampp/etc/httpd.conf

And uncomment:

# Virtual hosts
Include /Applications/xampp/etc/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf

For subsequent additions of named hosts to your Apache configuration, start here:
vi /Applications/xampp/etc/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf

Added (following their dummy-host example quite closely)

Internet Explorer 6 appears to have PNG problems beyond its well-known transparency issues

IE6 has extremely weird PNG issues

Microsoft owes me another 4 hours of my life.

Just to let you know, apparently PNGs (without transparency, nothing to do with transparency on the page anywhere I was aware of, though there was a video and lots of other stuff), can simply fail to show up in the image tag. A completely normal img src style tag just doesn't display.

Using jpeg instead fixed it.

Development resource list for making and reviewing patches for Drupal core

Resources to help the development of Drupal core mentioned on the development list:

Main patch and review resource (rewritten by Catch):

Setting up a test environment to review patches (pointed to by Ryan Cross):

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