User login

Needs Improvement

Workable solution needs improvement

Always show N number of items when showing items in sets of N

 * Pad an array with its own elements to make it divisible by the given number.
 * Take items from the beginning of the array and add to the end to ensure the
 * array is a multiple of that number.  Useful for display with innerfade.
 * Utility function that does not have any other home yet, but desperately
 * wants to escape from object-land here...
function change_agent_au_pad(&$array, $num, $force = FALSE) {
  $count = count($array);

Git on Windows

Easiest maybe best way is to create a new public-private key pair in Git, as mentioned in Getting Started with Git and GitHub on Windows:

ssh-keygen -C "" -t rsa

Another fix for public key denied errors, mentioned on the GitHub discussion group, was

tuning my .ssh/config file to include these lines:

Wireless not working on HP Pavilion after kernel update

I like this solution, note 3:

Which suggests that the Ubuntu update works, just not with the standard (I assume the menu-based) network manager.

But if not the place to re-open and test and report trying new kernels:

Testing patches for Drupal from a Windows machine

There are various approaches to getting a usable development environment working on a Microsoft Windows machine. Here are some:


Best bet, virtualbox? Let's you make believe you're actually on, say Debian Linux.

Remove "Add comment" links from teasers

See and report to:

How to disable "Add new comment" at teaser part, but "Read more" remains

Hi Brian,

So the Drupal user interface wasn't enough? You had to make a custom node template? It took us a few months to notice the new options for displaying fields, but now we use it a lot instead of node-TYPE.tpl.php files. And I'd be interested what in that post needed updating for Drupal 6!

Relating nodes by taxonomy with Views 2 relationships?

benjamin-agaric: a Views 2 question-- we have two content types (one for images, one for posts) connected to the same vocabulary, we would like a view of the images (actually a CCK field on a node type) where the link from the image goes to the single post tagged with that term. Now I'm thinking this is such an edge case I should just do it in the theme like always. But--

[these next messages were all sent pretty much simultaneously]

merlinofchaos: You probably need a custom field for that.

Agaric wants to create a new text file with a keyboard shortcut in Mac OS X

Agaric wants to create a new text file with a keyboard shortcut in Mac OS X... until this half of Agaric gets over to Ubuntu.

An aside regarding Ubuntu: Is this functionality already in Ubuntu? Can you create basic file types from the file navigation tool? Is it easy to make keyboard shortcuts?

NuFile makes a contextual menu (not a File or Services menu) that I do not know how to create a keyboard shortcut to. (I guess I should appreciate the ability to create a new file at all.)

Theming Organic Groups

Want to have more control over what your new organic groups look like? I can't imagine why else you'd be reading this...


try this out:

Copy node-og.tpl.php to your theme's directory you'll need to rename it to reflect your group's node type(s). If your group node type is "partner" then you'd rename node-og.tpl.php to node-partner.tpl.php.

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