User login

Needs Improvement

Workable solution needs improvement

DBScripts with git-svn and git-gui: notes

Using DBScripts. Notes from watching the master.

set to read only mode
if they do something during dump and restore, it could break dump and restore
so turn off apache for that process -- script for that may be added to dbscripts

in production environments where not even 30 seconds of downtime is acceptable, you have A/B, two sites. [Still use

svn add delete ev

bring into my environment


May or may not be a conflict.

Edited a node, yes a conflict.

Open node.sql in gedit.

Disabling Drag and Drop into WYSIWYG textarea (where do clients get these requests)

Earl's long quest brought this:

<input name="expQuant0" type="text" size="2" value="1"
onBlur="setbox(,this.value,'exp');" ondragstart="return
false;" >

"Key is to add ondragstart="return false;" that you dont want dragable, he said.

Configuring Faceted Search

Faceted search isn't too hard to configure; Instead of using views to add the exposed filter, use the faceted search page to 'add an enviroment' and set whatever search methods want and set the 'display' to the view and urls to, for example, baseurl news, then the results appear on news/results/<arguments>


Translating taxonomy terms in Drupal

The use case Agaric runs into most often is how to simply translate the terms, and show the correct translation for the language the content and/or the sitewide language is in (not have multiple vocabularies that apply different terms in different languages).

A thread with a great deal of answers:

Drupal 6: How to translate taxonomy terms?

The Drupal core issue, including a nice summary by catch sadly missing the links:

Secure private file management in Drupal

Conveniently, there's a whole e-book on the subject:

And some very old threads that come to no happy resolution, Public v. Private download method..." and How to set up proper private file access.

Having your Git and your SVN too

Via Stefan:

Kathleen wrote an email with the three commands you need.
git-svn fetch -s svn_repo
first it's git-svn clone -s ...
you can update it with git-svn fetch
and with git-svn rebase you can merge svn updates to your git workdir
and git-svn dcommit commits to subversion


Form altering certain CCK widget properties is tricky: adding and changing the size of an autocomplete textfield

This code (which is not called automatically but is a helper function for our hook_form_alter implementation) adds the suffix but does not change the forms size. Somehow these widget settings must get added later.

Does FeedAPI re-import a feed item if its node has been deleted?

We thought feeds would just import back news feed items after deletion, thus the need for feed moderation, but when testing it looks like it actually keeps track of deleted feed items somewhere.

Don't see any special table for this to be stored in, though.

Hmmm.. it doesn't delete anything from the feedapi_node_item table using hook-nodeapi on node delete, but it is deleting deleted feed item nodes' urls from this table nonetheless.


Search from a Drupal 404 File not found page

Search from 404 page does not work

Oh wow, it's finally been fixed!!! As of yesterday!

Commit to Drupal 6 core announced in comment #67 of the above issue thread.

No need to see if the Blocks 404 module fixes it (but the module is cool too)

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