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Always show N number of items when showing items in sets of N

 * Pad an array with its own elements to make it divisible by the given number.
 * Take items from the beginning of the array and add to the end to ensure the
 * array is a multiple of that number.  Useful for display with innerfade.
 * Utility function that does not have any other home yet, but desperately
 * wants to escape from object-land here...
function change_agent_au_pad(&$array, $num, $force = FALSE) {
  $count = count($array);
  if ($force || $count > $num) {
    $modulus = $count % $num;  // I think this is how you do modulus
    $pad = $num - $modulus;
  else {
    return FALSE;  // we did not pad this array
  for ($i = 0; $i < $pad; $i++) {
    $a = $i;
    if ($force && $i >= $count) {
      // @TODO
    $array[] = $array[$a];
  return $pad;  // we padded by this many elements



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