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Printing an arbitrary menu just like primary_links and secondary_links

You can find out your menu name by going to admin/build/menu and hovering over it-- the name is a text string, separating the words in the menu title with dashes, and all lower case.

In your template.php

function agarictheme_preprocess_page(&$vars) {
  $menu = menu_navigation_links("menu-name-here");
  $vars['special_menu_name'] = theme('links', $menu);

In page.tpl.php (or page-front.tpl.php or other variation)

  print $special_menu_name;

Note: this isn't working for us, when it should, and does when the menu code in the page template and printing directly is working.

This is what is working:

  $menu = menu_navigation_links("menu-name-here");
  print theme('links', $menu);

Other new page variables are being passed successfully, so this is very weird.

Wait, do template variables need to be registered?

References (used to use this in Drupal 5, and the function is still there in Drupal 6, but it wants a menu numeric id)


Searched words: 
print another menu like primary or secondary lists drupal 6 drupal 6 print menu load and output a menu


It does work

In a Zen subtheme template.php this is working:

 * Override or insert variables into the page templates.
 * @param $vars
 *   An array of variables to pass to the theme template.
 * @param $hook
 *   The name of the template being rendered ("page" in this case.)
function zenjali_preprocess_page(&$vars, $hook) {
  $menu = menu_navigation_links('menu-footer');
  $vars['footer_links'] = theme('links', $menu);

With the simple code below in page.tpl.php:

 print $footer_links;

Maybe I just forgot to flush my theme cache above!

Drupal Site

This helped out greatly, was straight to the point and easy to paste. Thanks!


i've put together a tutorial on custom menus. I hope it helps a few people.


What about multilingual menus?

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