Drupal Use
End-user, non-administrator or day-to-day administrator Drupal tasks.
Note the title said NOT the Drupal way. That means this is a cautionary tale of how NOT to add changing promotional graphics to your site.
In a local checkout of the repository:
cd themes/example/images/home/
svn add example_graphic_one.gif
svn add example_graphic_two.gif
sudo svn commit -m "new graphics for front and story pages"
Note that this site is incorrectly putting its custom theme in /themes, rather than /sites/default/themes (or /sites/something/themes).
On production:
The below is the why that goes with this how: Style content in Drupal using standard HTML tags (and have it match your custom site perfectly and meet your styling needs!)
any ideas for adding text size and color to the BUE editor = my current mission
ask them what styles they want to add
just font size
and font color
It's great to see a site in use – a classy and professional site for an incredible person – but though built on a budget clearly we can and will make it easier to use for subscriptions and notification purposes:
Hello Everybody -
What's the easiest way to get content from the IBO to the MCJ website? You showed me how to add tabs, but if I wanted to essentially copy and paste the "Projects" tab (Kenya, Nigieria, etc) onto a tab to be created on MCJ, is that something I could do with my god-like powers, or is this something that either needs to be done by you (or is easier for you to do) when the website changes hands?
I'm sure I'll have more questions soon-ish.
Go to the page:
Click the edit tab.
Scroll down to File attachments. Click to expand if necessary.
Attach new file, click Browse.
Find the document on your computer and hit OK/Open.
Now click Attach.
Check off which attachments you want listed on the page.
Click Submit.
Ask Agaric: how to get colorful, styled text within the content I write?
(See also: Why not WYSIWIG.)
One request: we are trying to get more color and liveliness into the site. Can you give me the HTML code for purple font? I’d like to change all the headings in the verbiage to purple…! Thanks.
In Drupal, you can set the user (author) and date of a comment to something other than yourself and that moment, if you have administer comments permission– just not while posting.
If you click the edit link for the comment after posting, there will be a collapsed "Administration" section where you can change the username and posting timestamp, just like you can for a node.
Any call for allowing this on posting as well?
This post is about the main site feed, found on any Drupal site by adding /rss.xml to the site's main web address. (Drupal can also create all kinds of feeds for taxonomy terms and views.)
Hi Ben,
I have some things like photos and some audio files and whatnot I could add to the site.
How do I know where something will end up and how it will be listed on the menus? For some reason I haven't figured that out.
For example, say I want to upload 10 photos from the old contest and want to show them on a page that also has brief text about the last contest. What menu/s will it show up under. Same for a couple of podcast files.
Is it easier for me to just make these entries part of my blog posts?