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Drupal Development

Biblio module, first take

Biblio has rave reviews and is on its ninth beta release for Drupal 6.

It does not have Views 2 integration yet, which would be nice.

The questions are:

  • Can CCK fields be added to biblio nodes such that they will they look integrated with biblio core qualities?
  • If not, can Biblio be Views2-ized and will that make seamless presentation of CCK fields and Biblio attributes possible?

See also FreeCite, a citation parser (front end of that site by Kathleen).

Load new content via AJAX and change the URL

Agaric wanted to know how to have a photo album where pictures would load when selected, without re-loading the rest of the page. The goal is to have the chosen picture load (with JQuery effects and any other coolness without a full page refresh) but to also have the URL in the address bar updates so people have a unique link back to the image.

Facebook does this, and the next time I was catching up on my friends' new album additions at 4 a.m. on a Sunday morning, I had to view source and see what was going on.

What looks like the key javascript code is copied below.

Moving a site from an old version control set-up using SVN to Agaric's new Git-Capistrano glory

Agaric salutes you, Stefan!

And without further adieu, the steps to move a Drupal 5 site from one of our legacy approaches to development and deployment using version control to Stefan's Git-Capistrano set-up (and upgrading to Drupal 6 in the process).

Moving into the new system (and Drupal 6 while we're at it).

On the production server, find where it's hidden...
ben@agaricdesign:~$ locate carlitos

When naming projects that will spawn a database, be mindful of 16 character limit

Stefan has set up fantastic tools using Git and Capistrano and Rake to rapidly set up Drupal projects for Agaric. This documentation, private on, will be generalized and made public once we've worked out more bugs in the system.

This post isn't about this system specifically so much as a general caution.

If you have any setup to aid your deployment that automatically makes a database or user based on your project name, you have to be aware of MySQL's 16 character limit and do something to address this before the errors.

Modules in Agaric's Drupal 6 Core Project Starter

Agaric Design Collective's standard project starter distribution, stored as a git repository from which cloned projects can pull updates (upgraded modules or core and new additions), consists of Drupal 6 core and the following excellent contributed modules drawn from the thousands publicly available on

Drush feature request: install a module (or theme) into an arbitrarily specified directory

The ability to use the Drush Package Manager (drush pm) to install a module in an arbitrarily specified directory doesn't presently exist.

Agaric wants Drupal photo gallery with mass upload where albums can belong to people who set access per picture

(Note: When the headline is "Agaric wants" it's nearly always benjamin because he's the whiny one.)

Agaric wants Drupal photo galleries (with mass upload capability, of course) where albums can belong to people who set access per picture.

There is definitely a module for Drupal 5 at least that will allow pictures to be uploaded in bulk, such as by FTP, and then processed into image nodes in Drupal.

Agaric wants current Songbird's mp3 player playlist on Drupal site

Agaric wants open source integration: today's itch, list current Songbird's current mp3 player playlist on Drupal site.

Songbird takes plugins. Drupal takes modules. Everything is open source free software. All we need is a little time and knowledge!


Always show N number of items when showing items in sets of N

 * Pad an array with its own elements to make it divisible by the given number.
 * Take items from the beginning of the array and add to the end to ensure the
 * array is a multiple of that number.  Useful for display with innerfade.
 * Utility function that does not have any other home yet, but desperately
 * wants to escape from object-land here...
function change_agent_au_pad(&$array, $num, $force = FALSE) {
  $count = count($array);

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