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Install Drupal 7 from the command line... with Drush, of course

Given a Drupal installation (that is, drush dl drupal), Drush can fully install Drupal, even creating the database if it has permission.

drush site-install standard --account-name=admin --account-pass=[useruser_pass] --db-url=mysql://[db_user]:[db_pass]@localhost/[db_name]

Or, shorter:
drush si --db-url=mysql://[db_user]:[db_pass]@localhost/[db_name]

(The profile defaults to standard, and the account name and account pass to 'admin'.)

The site name flag is --site-name=yada

Questions for other Consulting Shops and Collectives and Freelancers

What kind of Drupal work do you most often do?

What kind of Drupal work do you most want to do?

Do you track your time?

If so, what tools do you use to track your time?

Do you track blatantly non-billable time such as reading Drupal Planet? If so, do you use the same system as for client/project work, and how do you categorize various non-work time?

Any conditions a client must meet for you to work with them?

What are your goals in life?

Do you see ways for your business to help you achieve these goals? If so, which ways?

Drush commands to enable Devel module and Page Render Array display

drush -y en devel
drush vset devel_page_alter 1

To enable the broader set of modules, it would be great to have these wrapped in a couple drush commands.


drush -y en enabled_modules views_ui xray

Approach Geeks For Good about VisionsUnite/DrupalCommunityFoundation integration

Every other person at DrupalCon heard a word or two about Coordinating Community Projects or the Drupal Union idea and pointed us to:

Geeks for Good

a project of Civic Actions,

As far as i can understand it is a straight list of postings, and i don't even see a search box as of 2011 March 15.

RDF for relationship between chapters and authors

is there an RDF relationship to give between author profiles and chapters? Chapters have a node reference field to authors.

best is to use sioc:has_creator

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