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How to add new contextual links

We may want to do this for a present project, and in any case i wanted to flag one of the coolest things in Drupal 7,
Adding new contextual links:

See also

Providing a default user in an installation profile in Drupal 7

Found some great clues in a test

Putting that to work in our installation profile's .install file, shown beneath a modification of standard.install's role creation to create an additional 'content manager' role and to name the 'administrator' role more appropriately, as 'developer':

Preprocess from a module: removing the content author from Drupal 7 search results

All, not just most, but all the content on a particular site was set to be posted without showing the by-line or submitted by text. Given this requirement, it makes no sense to have search results show the user that submitted the content, every time. This can be themed away in search-result.tpl.php or it can be removed with a pre-process function as shown below.

You can do this from a module or a theme, where 'example' is the system name of that module or theme:

Capital letters in module names: a bad idea

capital letters in module names shouldn't be allowed.

Permission sets for sensible defaults in module-provided permissions to roles

Created a feature that would be easily shareable among Drupal sites except for a big failing of Drupal to allow for module-provided sensible default permissions.

Get development and site-building modules and enable and configure them automatically

update: it exists,

it should be a drush script that puts files in sites/all/modules/devel
keeps them up-to-date with git
and then enables them

is just too much overhead.

Basically all the reasonable approaches are here:

JQuery Mobile

Started with a theme. Eventually figured out i had to create a module, also.

var jqm = JQuery.noConflict

actually loads and uses the older

Q: Design for mobile, or let smart mobile browsers zoom and stuff?

Well, you con use mobile tools to only

Mobile tool build mode.

Bringing the Sexy back to CSS: Sass, SCSS, Compass

[should have repeated the name of the building]

The maintenance of this building is pretty costly.

[the building with the elevators and plumbing (?) and infrastructure on the

I find Zen's breaking into multiple stylesheets unweildly.

CSS Extensions, as i like to call them, or you might hear them called pre-processors, they are really meta languages

[hmm, of those three i prefer

Nathan Weizenbaum— creator of Sass, when LESS just came out, "there's reason to try out both"

Dries in his keynote

Presentations powered by Drupal

I think i'm done looking for PowerPoint or Keynote-like presentation software, even for Linux.

If not using a presentation, why not immediately make the presentation in HTML?

Grayside's Presentation module is the way to go.

Works with s5 and Slippy, and other presentation libraries.

Alternatively there's also the S5 module.

Contributing to the Community for Joy and Gain (Design for Drupal Boston 2011 session proposal)

This proposed session didn't make it on the schedule, but we'll be perfecting this concept which we can't help but write about and take notes about and wax political about.

Contributing to the Community for Joy and Gain

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