User login


Building Beauty presentation documentation and links

The Site

  • Horizontal continuum for all sections
  • Press request and access functionality with Organic Groups
  • Complex, structured project content type
  • News, press releases, etc.
  • Events listing
  • About Daniel Libeskind section, including sub-project listing with galleries
  • Project, one-by-one galleries
  • PDF Generator
  • Mobile version ...including for BlackBerry

Notes and links on hacking in a custom active state path for menu links

function feature_frontend_preprocess_links(&$variables) {

Return user to current page: How to link to a form from a Drupal menu

Press login / press account links for anonymous and logged in users, respectively. Subtly added to a bottom menu. Via code in order to allow for the redirect back to the page you were on after login or editing.

There is surely a way, or should be a way, that does not involve hook_page_alter(), but hey, this works.

Media module should use Views for Administration

Media module should at least come with proper Views integration and a number of default views for administration, probably making use of Views Bulk Operations.

This can be pure progressive enhancement, the code weight is in separate files and the rare person who does not have Views can use the much weaker administration pages Media currently has.

Exposed filters and VIews Gotcha

Ordinarily, when you leave off selecting a taxonomy term from a filter that says "Is one of", nodes tagged with that term will not show up in the View. However, when you make that filter an Exposed filter, the behavior changes. Even if you checkmark "Limit list to selected items", nodes tagged with that term will show in the initial view. Users see this item, but if they filter, they won't see it any more. Not exactly intuitive.

Create vocabulary and taxonomy terms in an installation profile

The first part is provided by the default installation profile:

Capturing Menu Block configuration in code with hook_menu_block_blocks()

 * Implements hook_menu_block_blocks().
function feature_about_menu_block_blocks() {

Adding non-menu things to primary links menu items with Drupal 7's page alter hook

The request was to stick search in a menu. I said "I bet that's easy with hook_page_alter()!"

Not quite.

The primary links menu is output directly by the theme, and so is one of the very very few things that occurs after hook_page_alter().

You can tell the theme to stop outputting it directly, and put it in a block that is displayed in a region, or you can add it to the page rendering array in code with hook_page_build().

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