User login


Return user to current page: How to link to a form from a Drupal menu

Press login / press account links for anonymous and logged in users, respectively. Subtly added to a bottom menu. Via code in order to allow for the redirect back to the page you were on after login or editing.

There is surely a way, or should be a way, that does not involve hook_page_alter(), but hey, this works.

Adding non-menu things to primary links menu items with Drupal 7's page alter hook

The request was to stick search in a menu. I said "I bet that's easy with hook_page_alter()!"

Not quite.

The primary links menu is output directly by the theme, and so is one of the very very few things that occurs after hook_page_alter().

You can tell the theme to stop outputting it directly, and put it in a block that is displayed in a region, or you can add it to the page rendering array in code with hook_page_build().

Removing book navigation

Remove book entirely, with hook_page_alter()

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