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Views Sorting Gotchas: If using group by, also sort; and in all sorts make sure the field exists!

Interesting... you need to sort by the same field you group by, or on a paged view the grouping is done per page!

And in a different view, a different, dumber problem...

drupal views datestamp sort
drupal convert datestamp to date

Datestamp wasn't the problem. Trying to sort on a field that didn't exist for that node type was! It appears to react to nonsense by sorting randomly, which I guess is fair...

How to add a node id to a page's CSS classes

If your page.tpl.php already prints $body_classes (or equivalent) in the <body> tag, then you likely need only to add a single line to have the nid included with a class such as "node-1".

drupal add node id to theme template
drupal add node id to page template

Agaric wants to automatically repeat top-level primary links as the first child of itself

drupal repeat top menu item in dropdown
repeat top menu items drupal
repeat Primary Links dropdown drupal
drupal duplicate main menu items

Request: "The titles can also be clicked and should be included in the dropdown menu." Understood now: Each top-level primary link will be repeated in the drop-down menu. This gets around the fact that many people will not realize they can click on the menu item itself as well as the dropdowns.

Link to a changeset in Trac

trac changeset link wiki syntax
trac changeset link display title

Trac print title of git changeset


gives you the title as a tooltip on hover.

More ways of doing this (where the title automatically becomes the anchor text, for example) does not seem to be an option. Have to live with the tooltip and any self-titling we want to pull off, i guess.

WYSIWYG module gotcha: after upgrading or changing editors, delete profiles to resume

If you change wysiwyg editors, you have to delete the profiles and start anew.

wysiwyg drupal cannot select editor

Editor selectbox disabled

Having trac header logo link to the project's trac home even when it is in a subdirectory

Getting trac to use the proper path for the link to home in its logo or sitename position.

sudo vi /srv/trac/projectname/conf/trac.ini

link = /projectname

And you're done!

To automate this, we have to figure out how are project specific settings set in trac on initialization.

So I ask Stefan.

Do you happen to know how project-specific settings are inserted into the trac.ini? I can't find it.
Any new project is set up already with:

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