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Find text anywhere in a MySQL database (use PHPmyadmin)

I just had a quick Drupal question. We need to search our site and make sure a link is never used directly on any of the pages. I know Drugal is a sql backend -- is there a quick and easy way to just search the database for that?

Yes, there are ways. If it is in content Drupal's built in search should do it. Otherwise, PHPMyAdmin has a good every database table / every field search that's a good deal more complicated than a simple SQL command.

Keyboard shortcuts for moving across tabs in the Mac OS X Safari browser

tab navigation shortcuts in Safari
tab previous next keyboard shortcuts safari

Command + Shift + {
Command + Shift + }

Command + Shift + Left arrow and Right arrow work also, most of the time, but not when the focus is in a text area.

Increase scrollback history in Ubuntu's shell

Ubuntu shell scrollback
ubuntu shell history

In Terminal

Edit » Profile Preferences

Scrolling tab

Scrollback option

Fixing Zen's false out-of-date update status warning

zen theme claims out of date
zen theme update status out of date

See issue:
Sub-theme's .info file triggers incorrect "out of date" flag in update module

git commit -m "Remove date from zen subtheme .info to remove bogus Zen theme needs updating message."

git get the diff of a file revision ago

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