User login


Rewrite rules really picky about a blank space in the bracket portion

Fun web fact for the day!

One little itty bitty space in the bracket part of the rewrite rule:

RewriteRule ^product/raptors/assimilate$ /product/raptors/assimilate/features [NC, R=301,L]

(instead of:
RewriteRule ^product/raptors/assimilate$ /product/raptors/assimilate/features [NC,R=301,L]

causes the entire web site to be replaced with:

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Allowed HTML tags for Drupal's Filtered HTML input format: generous list


<a> <em> <strong> <u> <cite> <code> <h2> <h3> <h4> <h5> <h6> <ul> <ol> <li> <dl> <dt> <dd> <blockquote> <p> <br> <span> <div> <img> <sub> <sup> <strike>

Tim Berners-Lee on Linked Data

Workshop at MIT. Raw notes about raw data.

RDF Book Mashup:

If you are building a new website, you can pull a lot of this information. Suppose no-one's put the baseball stats out there, you could do that, and pull in geographic information to match up ballparks or player's hometowns.

Raw Data Now! I won't make you chant this.

Toward an automatically deployable per-project ticket tracker and project management site

Automatic Benefits:

Your clients learn to use an environment similar to the site you are building for them, rather than the different markup syntax and behaviors of trac or other system.


  • URL fields for bug reports which would be able to replace (or generate) the base URL with a defined set of URLs for development, stage, or production sites in use.
  • Time tracking?


[unsolved] putting a query string in a menu local task tab link item

any experience working with hook_menu, specifically for tabs
(menu_local_task items)
how would one pass a query from one of those links?
for instance, working with organic groups, on the group nodes, want tabs for adding new content inside the group
so the link needs to be something like
876 being whatever the current group context is

Account management with LDAP

Add new user

$ sudo cpu useradd user

Add existing user to group

$ sudo ldapaddusertogroup user group

You can check that the add has taken effect by looking over the lists of groups the user is in (due to caching this may take some time):

$ sudo -u user groups

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