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project management

Toward an automatically deployable per-project ticket tracker and project management site

Automatic Benefits:

Your clients learn to use an environment similar to the site you are building for them, rather than the different markup syntax and behaviors of trac or other system.


  • URL fields for bug reports which would be able to replace (or generate) the base URL with a defined set of URLs for development, stage, or production sites in use.
  • Time tracking?


Parallel Testing: for re-launching existing sites

Parallel testing is used whenever you are replacing an older application with something new. In this instance you will do all your processes TWICE. Once in each system. The basic question here is simple. Do you get the same results out of both systems? If not, is that what you expected? Part of the reason for the replacement might be improvement and correction. But in most of the application, you should get the same results or be able to explain why based on new functionality.

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