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Use echo instead of print in themes for speed?

Hat tip to RobLoach who noted this in the #drupal IRC channel-- if we want to squeeze hundredths of a millisecond more out of our Drupal modules and themes, we should use echo instead of print for getting the data to the screen.

UPDATE: The PHP developers don't recommend switching from print to echo for speed reasons, suggesting that the difference can be dependent on the setup of your environment.

Random more useful PHP code speed improvements:

Need to have one number go to one of several accounts based on availability


We at Agaric have what we thought would be a common need-- to have one support number / Skype account that our clients can call be picked up by whichever of our several members around the world (Germany, India, and the US so we cover the time zones pretty well!).

I cannot figure out how to configure this.

TinyMCE in WYSIWYG API destroys HTML it does not like no matter what the settings

A client wanted to center an embedded video and was disabling rich text in order to add tags around it to center it. Save it and it works, but edit the node and the WYSIWYG would strip the new tags and break the formatting on save. Granted, these are deprecated tags that were being used but it is not the WYSIWYG's place to be enforcing that.

Unchecking Paste from Word button and unchecking all of these and TinyMCE still deletes center or div align="center" tags.

MacBook overheating

In my case the main cause of run-away heating by Ebony, the most overworked white MacBook in the history of laptops, was the recently reinstalled Lexmark X83 printer and scanner's start-up item.

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