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DrupalConDC Usability Lab Testing Reportback

Usability testing

Bojhan Somers, bojhan
Brad Bowman, beeradb
Matt Tucker
Sumit Ktaria
Nathan Haug
Nat Catchpole, catch

A broader scope this time, recruiting intermediate users as well.

Very hard thing: Getting a roomful of Drupal developers to not try to solve problems.

For issue queue


I feel bad I didn't make that patch. I meant to! I've fixed this with form_alter before.

By default the admin menu no longer shows up there.

Much friendlier password checker.

DrupalConDC Community Supported Agriculture birds of a feather

Community Supported Agriculture
17 people here.

Who is interested in building the tools, and who just in deploying them?

Filter it through recipe suggestions.

Any CSA with capital resources?

About 2,000 CSAs in the U.S. About half, maybe, have web sites. Most do not have interactivity-- many have probably paid a chunk of money on this.

Do most CSAs have work shares? That's a coordination problem for farmers, dealing with these

Me: a distribution versus a site?

A CSA profile is fine with me -- you can deploy as many as you want.

Flash and Drupal

travis tidwell - travist

built dash media player

flash integration with drupal

technology required to do cool shit with flash and drupal

how flash and drupal communicate

why flash and drupal?
- combine beauty and powerdrupalcon twitter wall

how flash and drupal communicate
- RPC Remote procedure calls
-- uses xml to call a remote function
-- amf - actionscript message format

flash is always on the client side

Drupalcamp, How to and Q & A session notes

drupalcamps session

drupalcampNYC - eric goldhagen

drupalcamps and barcamps - people getting together and being productive a lot of good coding came out of it

how to guide to drupalcamps

what is a drupalcamp
why a camp not a con
how many people
how much $
where are they held
how often are they held

DrupalConDC Communicating Data Online: Data Visualizations and Opening Data

Demoed Nice Maps module.

Maximize your resource utilization

who will pay for open data tools?

"World Bank funds" - well, in fact... Timeline module featured very highly on Recovery was funded by World Bank, and based on the MIT project which got some money from the Department of War (aka DoD).

Efficiency of the Commons

DrupalConDC Patterns and Object Orientation in Drupal Code

Drupal patterns

hook_menu, hook_theme, hook_views_data

In a sense, hook_menu and hook_form are declaritive programming.

Action hooks

hook_nodeapi, hook_user
See: passive observer
Use: Event-driven programming

Visitor hooks

hook_form_alter, hook_nodeapi, hook_user
Passive observer, Visitor
Use: Non-inheritance modification

Gets around the fact inheritance is one way.

Object "hook"

sort-of, kind of a way of doing inheritance. Couldn't figure out what this

DrupalConDC A Paradigm for Reusable Drupal Features

Ian leads off.

They did a very good job explaining why we want to be able to store features, and not have to do all the configuration every time we need to do a similar task (a blog section, a newsroom section, etc.)

Then went to Robert for the demo.
Everything that can be described as a feature and can be have its creation automated can be described by:
scripted or exportable

imagecache, blocks, views are all exportable.

(Some made possible by the context module.)

DrupalConDC Is Drupal Moral?

Encyclopedia Britannica macropedia article on philosophy has 180,000 words.

and every fifth one is linked.

The hyperlinked form is a better representation

Age of Information:

Last name
First name
ID number
Troublemaker (Y/N)

Given way to age of the web-- connection to each other and links

His point was that we are

regardless of connection, how about "you can do what you want as long as it doesn't harm others" as basis of morality

DrupalConDC Field API at Drupal 7

Field storage is pluggable - take a look at a 4 GB blob about to go in, and send that to some other storage rather than a MySQL database, and let Drupal know you've taken care of it.

Fields - base types.

Bundles: Mostly equals content types, but the same concept (article has these fields, blog has these fields) but it can be applied to other objects.

Field types - a field attached to a particular bundle.

Allowed values functionality removed and replaced with list.

Using SMS for Data Collection at Torvalds Room

  1. mobile handset
  2. sms gateway
  3. drupal

sms framework + clickatell gateway module

free ways to do stuff

email gateways

  • module included in sms framework
  • only supports sending



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