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DrupalConDC Usability Lab Testing Reportback

Usability testing

Bojhan Somers, bojhan
Brad Bowman, beeradb
Matt Tucker
Sumit Ktaria
Nathan Haug
Nat Catchpole, catch

A broader scope this time, recruiting intermediate users as well.

Very hard thing: Getting a roomful of Drupal developers to not try to solve problems.

For issue queue


I feel bad I didn't make that patch. I meant to! I've fixed this with form_alter before.

By default the admin menu no longer shows up there.

Much friendlier password checker.


A few things are working.

  • Installation.
  • Text formats (renamed from "Input formats").

A few sticky notes of the good things. A ton of sticky notes - more than could

We confirmed issues from the first two studies, giving us a better sense of what's most important to fix.

How do I create content? Users didn't find it. They expected from experience that it would be in the admin section.

Amazing amazing amazing screencast with a guy looking for the Create content link. Literally, two minutes in he was asked what he expected it would be called, and he said "Create content." But he was looking for it under the administration section, he opened Administer

The room was in pain and laughter and tears.

WTF am I looking at? WTF do users see?

Navigation and menus as blocks also a problem.

Orphaned node problem

Newish issues:

Search just appears in the theme, and no one noticed it, because they went and enable the search block and they

Other issues with search that i didn't even quite get.

Menus: Users aren't clear on who can see navigation menu, relationship with blocks not made clear, item creation is path first then title not vice versa (yes! this trips me up too!), parent item selection "create a main menu item" is a valid menu parent (eh?)

People on a taxonomy page.

"It all seems very abstracted here. Too many

"Taxonomy. That's a funny word."

"So I'm going to administer

"That's kind of a big word... it seems almost funny because... biology and stuffed... deer."

The new help system wasn't in in time for us to test.


Help patch with additional ... "I see you enabled search"

128 specific issues. How long with

Probably around 2019.

Thanks to those who contributed to ChipIn and the project.



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