User login


Get the directory name from a file path string in PHP

There is a built-in PHP function to get the directory portion of a file path from a string (lopping off the filename itself).


A Drupal module making module

This note is simply so that next time Agaric searches for Joachim and Dmitri's module-writing module, Module Builder, we find it. (It is selected to be part of Agaric's big list of Drupal development modules, which is the only way I found it again this time.

(Um, note that it doesn't actually write your module, but pads out a nice framework for you to write your module.)


Testing assisting module: set configurations through site's URL


commissioned by Top Notch Themes
test their themes
only way they could do this with a 2-3 person company

security nightmare, should never go anywhere near a production site

in the URL, you give it parameters - logged in, logged out, blocks

RoboConf will configure your site to the setup of the url

view your site in different browsers

using pre-generated URLs

Vocabulary Per User, New Taxonomy Module in the works by George Cassie

every user has their own vocabulary

so you can show, but disabled-- see what everyone else has been tagging a node with


Planning a DrupalCamp and Code Sprint

Introductory Blurb

Modeled on BarCamp unconferences, a DrupalCamp is learning sessions, discussion, workshops, and code sprints for the free software content management system Drupal. Anyone can present and everyone is welcome. The schedule of sessions is decided in the morning on each day, but we do encourage people to post what they would like to say or hear to gauge interest and encourage coordination.

This first general camp, DrupalCampBoston1, will feature a practical , immediately benefiting Open Media Boston and Boston Indymedia.


Localhost from a virtualbox XP install on Ubuntu

So you've got yourself a shiny new laptop, installed ubuntu and virtualbox and now you have a version of windows xp running nicely in a window.
But that's not enough for you is it? You want to be able to see your local environment from your XP install too, so you fire up IE and goto http://localhost, but it ain't there!!

well, have you tried ??

do it


April Metrowest Drupal Meetup

Dan demonstrated a lot of JQuery goodness.

Kathleen demonstrated DBScripts

  • Keep the database in sync with code
  • Preserve the ability to use the web GUI
  • Rapid development workflow
  • Merge development and production databases

In full, you don't track watchdog, you don't track sessions. But you don't destroy it either. You just don't save it.

Min allows you to save the watchdog data etc.

So if your working on something that has search data

DBScripts with git-svn and git-gui: notes

Using DBScripts. Notes from watching the master.

set to read only mode
if they do something during dump and restore, it could break dump and restore
so turn off apache for that process -- script for that may be added to dbscripts

in production environments where not even 30 seconds of downtime is acceptable, you have A/B, two sites. [Still use

svn add delete ev

bring into my environment


May or may not be a conflict.

Edited a node, yes a conflict.

Open node.sql in gedit.

Multimedia in Drupal: Digital Asset Management

As of 2009 April, Asset module, with no release since 2008 November, seems to have lost momentum in favor of Media module, still in development.

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